From Thought to Reality
Greetings & Blessings to all
I've come to realize that if something enters your mind, then it's in the realm of possibility. This type of manifestation will require some work on your part. Faith alone is good, but faith mingled with work is so much better. Several years ago, I wrote the novel, TRIAL OF INJUSTICE. It's about a pastor arrested for first-degree murder. Okay, I'm not going to say if the crime was actually committed or now. Then again, I can't help it, but the pastor is guilty of something. The story is driven by a group of men who seek to possess the land by any means necessary. There are several intricate details that build the walls around the core elements in the story.
Several years later I was able to act in a couple of films. One in particular won several awards. I often tell people, my first and last name in the film was, Truck Driver. As small as my role was, I took the initiative to watch the director carefully. I paid attention and asked all the right questions. At the end of the filming, a strange idea entered my mind and for the first time, I wanted one of my stories to be made into a film. My faith was stirred, and I begin envisioning that which I hoped for.
I made it my business to learn as much as I could about the film industry in every aspect so that my faith would have something to "attach" to. Within time, I met a group of people, and I was able to speak in a way they could relate to. I continued to speak what I saw, until I saw what I spoke. (Faith-talk) Within time, I smiled when I saw the characters of my book on a film. Yes, I would have loved to view it on the big screen, but you have to start somewhere, right? There are a few things I would change, but overall, I am elated. I've seen all episodes. Below are links to view the first 3.
Final thoughts:
Never allow someone to tell you what you can't do. If you can believe and not doubt, within time, you can have whatsoever you desire.... by faith.
Sincerely Purposefully Driven,
TRIAL OF INJUSTICE (Episode One & Two)