From Türk Loydu; "Training on Vetting Inspections (Tankers) as per VIQ/SIRE Requirements; 08-09-10 November 2021; Online Training
Hakan Aydo?du
D?? E?itim Hizmetleri Birimi Y?neticisi at TüRK LOYDU UYGUNLUK DE?ERLEND?RME H?ZMETLER? A.?.
We present the details of our training titled;?"Training on Vetting Inspections (Tankers) as per VIQ/SIRE Requirements (Information & Implementation)", which we planned as a distance online training on date?08-09-10 November 2021, for your information below. The training is open to general participation.
For detailed information, please click on our links to the following announcement and fact sheets;
Training language and training documents are in English.
If you wish to participate in the training,?our training application form?can be completed on our web page?until October 27, 2021 at 10:00. Contact for External Training Services Department; [email protected]
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3 年#TürkLoydu