"From Surface-Level to Root Cause: Mastering the 'Why Why'? Analysis"?
"Unleash the power of 'Why Why' analysis to uncover the root cause of any problem!"

"From Surface-Level to Root Cause: Mastering the 'Why Why' Analysis"

When you encounter a problem, it's easy to get caught up in the symptoms and try to treat them instead of addressing the root cause. But without identifying the underlying problem, the problem is likely to persist or even worsen. This is where "Why Why" analysis comes in, a problem-solving technique that helps you get to the root cause of a problem. In this article, we take a closer look at Why Why analysis, how it works, and how to master it.

What is a "Why Why" analysis?

"Why why" analysis is a technique that involves asking "why" multiple times to get to the root cause of a problem. It is a way to get beyond the surface level symptoms and understand the underlying issues. The idea is that by repeatedly asking "why" you can uncover the real cause of a problem, and once you understand the cause, you can take steps to eliminate it.

How to do a "Why Why" analysis:

Performing a "Why Why" analysis is relatively simple. Here are the steps you should follow:

Step 1: Identify the problem

The first step is to clearly define the problem you want to solve. What are the symptoms? What are the implications of the problem? Be as specific as possible.

Step 2: Ask "Why?"

Once you identify a problem, ask yourself why it's happening. Try to think of as many possible reasons as possible. Then choose one of these reasons and ask yourself why this is happening. Ask "why" until you can't go any further.

Step 3: Identify the root cause

Once you ask "why" often enough, you should be able to identify the root cause of the problem. This is the underlying problem that is causing the symptoms you identified in step 1.

Step 4: Address the root cause

Now that you've identified the root cause of the problem, you can take steps to eliminate it. Depending on the nature of the problem, this may involve making changes to your processes, systems or procedures.

Mastering the “Why Why” Analysis:

To master the "Why Why" analysis, you need to practice. Here are some tips to get you started:

Ask open-ended questions: When asking “why,” make sure you ask open-ended questions. This will help you get more detailed and detailed answers that can lead you to the root cause of the problem.

Avoid assumptions: Don't assume you know the answer to a question before you ask it. Instead, be curious and open and let the answers guide you.

Don't stop at the surface level: Ask "why" until you get to the root cause of the problem. If you stop at the surface level, you are likely to miss important information.

Collaboration: Don't be afraid to collaborate with others when performing a "Why Why" analysis. Different perspectives can help you uncover new insights and identify solutions that you might not have thought of on your own.


"Why Why" analysis is a powerful problem-solving tool, and mastering it can help you become a more effective leader and problem solver. By asking “why” repeatedly, you can get to the root cause of the problem, and once you understand the root cause, you can take steps to eliminate it. With practice and persistence, you can become an expert at "Why Why" analysis and use it to make positive change in your organization or personal life.


Retd. CONSULTANT & TRAINER at TüV SüD (Retired in Dec'16) Presently Freelance Trainer & Consultant

1 年

It is really nice. Easy to understand and follow.?



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