From the Surface to the Deep
The work is the work and let me tell you, its most definitely a tough master from time to time.?
I wrote a new poem for an online publication that had me all up in my own business, feeling all kinds of ways and blowing my own self wide open ... which was pretty cool, I'm not gonna lie.
And the realisations came in thick and fast.?
Healing, REAL HEALING, is multi layered, multi faceted, and is as much a journey on the surface as it is into the deep.
It's an elaborate untangling of crossed wires, a bit like that ball of Christmas lights you pull out of the back of the cupboard when you're about to get your decorations up!?
There might be times, more often than knot, when you'll want to give up and throw them in the bin and just go buy a new set.
But then, there will be that moment, you'll think to yourself ... well ... I've come this far, there's no point turning back now ... I'm in it to win it so ... I'm untangling EVERYTHING!!! Hear me ROAR!!! ??????
That moment of powering through for your own good is such a pivotal moment in the healing journey, and for the xmas deccys ;)
It's necessary for real true transformation.
Don't worry, you haven't done it 'wrong' up til that point!!! You've done it just the way you were supposed to because you did it the way you chose to ... and the ONLY way you knew how!
And yet ... there is something golden about that moment ... it hits a certain way.?
You pull up your metaphorical socks, roll up your sleeves and you literally get stuck into the toughest parts of the ball of entanglement!?
And as you pull out and straighten, untangle, unfurl, unknot, unwind, and unhook ... you feel a clearing, and your breathing becomes deeper, and your lungs fill up with excitement, and things start to smell different, and after the dark hole you just went down into where it took all of your choosing to be there, and stay there, and feel there, and sink there, and squeeze there, and release there, you 'suddenly' come up for air but there is no suddenly really ... it didn't just happen ... you made it happen by your sheer epic stick-to-it-ness!?
You went there!!!?
You unlearned.
Phew ??????
And the world looks different, because you are different, and you should be so proud of yourself that you went into it regardless of how you felt about what was on the other side, that you didn't know, had no measure of ... you did it anyway.
And THAT is fucking epic!?
I know because I went there too! I know exactly what its like to change and change again, learn and grow again, do something, not succeed, learn and come back bigger, better, grown, deeper, higher, more.
To go 'there' time and time again with no proof of what's ... just around the corner, or just over there, or just beyond that point.?
I do it all the time ( and I do mean ALL the time, multiple times a day ) and I can tell you ... shifts happen in the weirdest, wildest, and most wonderful of ways.?
Its excruciating and ecstasy inducing all at the same time.
To experience this alone is monumental.
To experience THIS with the support of someone who has gone there before, whose ready to go with you, be with you, hold you, and release you, THAT is out of this world.?
A Journey of Self being held through it all!
I will share the poem with you all
It is called GENESIS
The eye of the storm is always still
It always has been and always will.
It is the epicentre of might and power
The beginning of life and the final hour.
Everything stems from that centre place,
It holds itself solid in fury and grace.
It is the essence of night and day,
And when you see it you can't look away
It's fiercely fiery like the gates of hell
But in its centre an inky well.
A pool so cool when you step inside,
You become one with yourself, no need to hide.
You settle in and feel it course through your blood,
The power and might doing as it would.
Weaving its way deep into your core,
Becoming one with you more and more.
Bonding and holding you into itself,
You will not cry out, you need no help.
You are strong and can help yourself,
As you relax now and take a deep breath.
Deeper and deeper you settle down
There is nothing to see and there is no sound.
You embrace the feeling, you take it now,
This is the moment you will be crowned.
A moment like nothing you've felt before,
The truest moment of self you can be sure.
The time for you to hear you roar,
As you and the eye acknowledge rapport.
The eye embraces you and holds you tight,
You no longer have any desire to fight,
What you have always known is true
You are the eye and the eye is you.
Ciara Heneghan?