From Solopreneur To Group-preneur
Succeed From The Start
We help Heart-led Coaches Build their Business Strategy, Craft their Offer, Set Up their Tech, and Sell their Service!
The beginning of the Entrepreneurial journey can be so exciting, can't it? The ideas have been flooding in, and the enthusiam to see those ideas implemented can be extrememly motivating and can inspire the energy and drive needed to get yourself started too. But what then?
How do you move forward and progress when you're working on your own? How do you find the help and support you need without falling into the trap of spending too much money on systems and software that promise to make your life easier, yet turn out to be either so complicated you don't know where to start, or to be simply surplus to your real requirements.
Worse still, what if you've been hooked into an expensive online coaching programme that promised to be your ticket to the 6-figure income they insist you deserve? Maybe you do deserve such an income, but you simply weren't ready to scale just yet, after all, you haven't even learnt how to charge the right prices, never mind built all the content and developed your own programme, the one you want to serve your own clients with - in fact, maybe you don't even have any clients yet!
Every day you receive countless DM messages, offering you another 'solution' to your problem - they don't know what you do, or what you need, they're just sure that they can provide it, whatever 'IT' is........ And it can be so tempting, especially when things seem to be moving slowly, and you're sure, everyone else is progressing much more swiftly than you are.
But, before you go any further, and sign up to yet another anonymous platform, programme, or portal; ask yourself this question - 'what if there were a community of like-minded individuals out their, waiting to welcome me in?' 'A community where the most important thing was to give me time and space to work out what it is that I really want to give, how I want to give it, and how I can do so, when I still haven't got any testimonials or sufficient experience to show my gifts off and draw people towards me?'
And then consider this - do you really want to be a Solopreneur? Some people do, but in my experience, many others do not. Many others would far rather be part of a community where they can explore their talents and gifting; where they can learn and grow, extending those talents and thriving in their gifting. Being part of such a community, where they can test out new projects, new ideas and new strategies, whilst at the same time, developing themselves, is so empowering - I know, I learnt the hard way, and I wouldn't swap my new found community for the world!
If you have had enough of the lonely road of Solopreneurship, and would like to discover how to be a Group-preneur, where your individuality, and your expertise is not only highly valued, but supported and extended, then join us in Succeed From The Start, where we believe you have the right to learn, grow and thrive from day one. We would love to show you just how this is possible, without breaking the bank, or spending your hard earned savings on high figure programmes that promise the earth but, in truth, don't even deliver the moon.
Angela Roth CEO Succeed From The Start.