From Smart City to Digital District ?
Almost everyone agrees that the word Smart City doesn't quite fit what we all intuitively understand is possible. Originally conceived as a next generation technology initiative led by local government, Smart City definitions have not lived up to the more important aspects of our emerging digital world, which now includes the impact to the average person on the street, socio-economic impact and community revenue flows.
Since iNeighborhoods will be announcing Digital District in the near future, I thought it would be important get a definition out on the table for review and discussion. So here goes:
iNeighborhoods defines “digital district” as an area of a country or town that has digital location-based borders that are used for official and unofficial purposes, and that has a particular digital feature that makes it different from surrounding areas; the Plainfield Industrial Digital District for example.
Moreover, a digital district is a fundamental building block for the burgeoning digital world.