From Skiing To Philanthropy, Hong Kong's energetic Billionaire Peter Woo Isn't Slowing Down At 73
By Ron Gluckman
Forbes Magazine, September 2019 (and more in the printed magazine!)
Even as he turns 73 this month, Peter Woo prefers to build things rather than boast about them. Before stepping down in 2015 from the companies he ran for over 30 years, Hong Kong property developer The Wharf and its parent Wheelock and Co., he seldom gave interviews. On this occasion, he is already thinking ahead to his next scheduled activity—helicopter skiing. And don’t mention retirement, as Woo hasn’t slowed down. “Nowadays, with all the advances in healthcare, everything is being pushed back,” says Woo. “Now, the 60s isn’t your middle age.”
Woo is greeting his golden years with the same relentless drive that powered his success, venturing into everything from philanthropy to scuba diving and, yes, helicopter skiing. And he continues to oversee his companies as senior advisor, while remaining executive chairman at his privately held company Wheelock Holdings. “But I’m picking my projects carefully,” he says.
Woo detailed some of those projects in a rare interview at Hong Kong’s Murray Hotel, the 1960s heritage office building that Wharf remodelled and last year reopened as a 336-room luxury hotel—the new crown jewel in Wharf’s hotel collection. “It’s very special to me, and to Hong Kong,” he says of the Murray. Woo is also dedicating much of his time to Project WeCan, which mentors students and provides funding to 76 of Hong Kong’s secondary schools.
More on Forbes: Peter Woo Discusses Lessons Learned From Y.K. Pao And His Own Succession Plans
Woo’s commercial legacy is visible all over Hong Kong. The teeming Times Square shopping center in Causeway Bay, the vast Harbour City mall overlooking the city’s iconic waterfront and the historic Star Ferry that plies Victoria Harbor: all are part of Wharf, one of Hong Kong’s oldest companies, formed in 1886. Woo has handed off daily management, but still advises Wheelock, the holding company that controls Wharf. “I’m just an asset manager,” he says.
That might seem job enough. Wheelock is today a $6.2 billion a year (revenue) company with almost $76 billion in assets whose 18% average growth in sales over the past five years earned it a spot on Forbes Asia’s inaugural Best Over A Billion list of the Asia-Pacific’s best-performing companies with revenues of $1 billion or more. Woo’s latest wealth is estimated at $10.3 billion, putting him No. 7 on this year’s list of Hong Kong’s 50 Richest; 129th on the global list of billionaires.
Woo actually stepped down once before: in the 1990s, he left the company to run for the post of Hong Kong’s first chief executive when the U.K. handed the territory back to China in 1997. He lost to Tung Chee-hwa, another Shanghai immigrant whose family also became wealthy in shipping. Woo, intent on public service, then took a series of posts, including chair of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority, and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.
When Forbes Asia last featured Woo, six years ago, he was in the boardroom and ramping up China expansion. “In 2006 I made a substantial policy decision. Half of my assets were going to be in China,” he said then, pledging: “I will build three Harbour Cities. I’ve got to build four super towers. I have to build six hotels.”
He now laughs at the memory. “Yes, that’s all done!” he says. Wharf initially launched malls styled after Times Square, but China’s boom and competition dictated a different strategy. Woo switched to building in secondary cities where Wharf could afford to lease large tracts of land and erect towering skyscrapers that loom over a sprawling mixed-use podium at least as big as Harbour City’s 780,000 square meters of floor space filled with the same mix of shops, offices and condominiums. Top-tier cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai were skipped in favor of Changsha, Chengdu, Chongqing and Wuxi. And atop each skyscraper: a ritzy Niccolo hotel, Wharf’s own luxury hospitality name.
“Each is like a Harbour City,” says Woo. “All of them are leaders in the market. And I have one more to go, which is Suzhou next year. So that by next year I will finish that list. Because when I start something I always want to finish.
Woo wanted his son Douglas to get experience running the company before he turned 40, just as Woo had under his late father-in-law, the shipping tycoon Pao Yue-kong. So on New Year’s Day in 2014, he handed the reins at Wheelock over to Douglas, formerly an analyst at UBS. The next year, Stephen Ng, Woo’s right-hand man, took over as chairman at Wharf. “Things always change,” Woo says. “Positions change, but one thing that doesn’t change is your ownership and responsibility to capital.”
With that in mind, Woo didn’t leave before setting in motion one more deal: In 2017, Wharf spun off its six flagship Hong Kong properties into Wharf Real Estate Investment Company, or Wharf REIC, raising $29.5 billion in an IPO and leaving Wharf to focus on big projects in China.
China now accounts for 80% of Wharf’s earnings. Not surprisingly, efforts by Beijing to stem speculation in the real estate market and the escalating China-U.S. trade war are taking their toll: in August, Wharf reported a 14% drop in first-half net profits. Woo also became the first Hong Kong tycoon to publicly decry the violence marring Hong Kong’s protests against a proposed extradition law.
Now freed from the daily task of running Wharf and Wheelock, Woo is pursuing his passion projects. “I say, always focus on what you can do now,” he says. Woo has thrown himself directly into his charity program, Project WeCan. Launched in 2011 to help needy students in Hong Kong, Project WeCan began by adopting schools, offering not only funds, but also mentoring. “Giving money is easy,” Woo explains. “More important is the contact—connecting.” Project WeCan has so far provided funds to 76 secondary schools and provided mentoring to 66,000 students. Woo vows to keep expanding until the project has reached all of Hong Kong’s secondary schools.
Woo passing the finish line with a Project WeCan student. Photo: Courtesy of Wharf Holdings
“It’s been a real eye-opener for us, and our colleagues,” says Pat Woo, head of Corporate Social Responsibility for KPMG in China, a Project WeCan partner (no relation to Peter Woo). “I saw how much of a difference it made to the school,” he says, “and how it helped the students.”
Peter Woo’s involvement goes well beyond writing checks, though. Students at Project WeCan’s schools can find themselves running a race or shooting hoops with the septuagenarian billionaire. “They revitalize me,” says Woo, who at the time of his interview was wearing a hand brace—he required six stitches after a basketball showdown with Project WeCan teens.
He waves off the injury; nothing compared with his accident a few years ago while skiing in Austria. “I broke eight ribs,” he recalls. “When he took that fall, I thought he’d never ski again. It was horrible,” says Anthony Ng, an architect who met Woo eight years ago and became Woo’s tennis partner and ski pal. “I told my wife, ‘He’ll never go back to the slopes. Never’!” Woo’s enthusiasm for skiing goes well beyond a few runs on well-groomed slopes, though. “Peter is very competitive,” says Ng. Woo and Ng ski for months at a time, he says, chasing winter from the Alps to the Andes.
The two have also taken up scuba diving, a hobby that has taken them to exotic reefs in the Maldives and Palau. They’re also ticking off bucket-list destinations such as Easter Island and the Galapagos. Woo says he’s already managed to visit two dozen UNESCO sites in recent years.
Woo isn’t daunted by his growing years. His mother, he points out, lived to be 104. “I created a space for myself where I have more freedom,” he says. “More freedom to be selective.” For what? “To learn things. To discover things. But I don’t stop building things,” he responds. Even in his 70s, he remains can-do Woo.