From skepticism to synchronicity: Embracing my violet coat
Allison Ross
?? Forgiveness Advocate & Marketing Innovator | Changing the tools of engagement, one vibration at a time.
Vibrational Marketing was never meant to be about marketing; nor conscious collaboration around collaboration. So what have I been going on about for these past couple of years? That's the question I posed to the angels when I handed them the wheels to my business two weeks ago.
The previous statement in itself could have three different responses:
"Aaah, the angels. They always give such sound advice."
"The angels? Woo-woo has no place in business."
"Exit click. This content doesn't appeal to me."
My regular ol' self hovers between responses 1 and 2: The angels are excellent guides...but only to a certain extent.
As I shared in previous posts, my own vibrational misalignment is that I have still been hugely skeptical around many of the other-worldly things. I trust my inner guidance knowing it comes from my highest self and whoever created me. I believe we are surrounded by angels and ancestors. There's still a part of me that keeps it at arm's length. While many people do, I'm not ready to "see dead people" or hear voices in my head.
Do you see the hypocrisy? The inauthenticity? How can I say I believe in the unknown - and ask you to believe in the unknown - when I am scared as heck about what that could look like for me?
Which brings it back to the Vibrational Marketing Institute (VMI) and why we're not rushing out there selling our wares.
We're 7 months in and still ironing out our personal kinks so we can be of service to the greater good. We understand that if we are not completely true to who we are, it blocks our abundance. Modern-day marketing tactics may provide temporary relief in the form of clients, gifts, and blessings, but it's not sustainable. More acting outside of our natural abundance will only require us to continue acting outside of our natural abundance.
Now back to them angels...
"So angels, what have I been going on about for these past couple of years if vibrational marketing isn't about marketing and conscious collaboration isn't about collaboration?"
If you're still following along with me, here's a gem you may or may not know: the biggest clue to our purpose in this lifetime is our biggest block in this lifetime.
My biggest block has been fully accepting my divinity. To overcome it, I have to fully accept my divinity. What does this mean?
The spiral of emotions
A quick diagram of what that means in human terms...
The link to the spiral of emotions combines concepts of vibrational alignment from by Dr Hawkins and Abraham-Hicks:
?? The reds include the perceived negative emotions, such as fear, shame, guilt, unworthiness, and so on.
?? The greens are leaning towards neutrality, including apathy, boredom, acceptance, and contentment.
?? The blue, indigo, and violets are the perceived positive emotions, embracing optimism, positive expectation, passion, peace, joy, and unconditional love.
Do you see where divinity creeps into this? As humans, loving unconditionally does not come naturally. It requires us to channel our divinity.
3D to 5D ascension
In spiritual circles, there has been a significant focus on the ascension of human consciousness from 3rd dimensional consciousness (3D) to 5th dimensional consciousness (5D).
This shift involves moving from the dense, lower vibrations of fear, guilt, shame, and blame in 3D consciousness to the expansive, radiant energy of unconditional love and pure light in 5D, ultimately bringing the experience of heaven to earth.
How do we know we're currently experiencing 3D consciousness? War, political division, poverty, disease, and disharmony.
My take of the vibrational emotional scale after my twenty years of participating and observing solo marketing keeps us stuck on 3D consciousness:
The reds are rooted in reinforcing our fears, sense of lack, and competition, with the belief that we need to be 'fixed' because abundance is seen as survival of the fittest.
Moving towards 5D consciousness means accepting responsibility for the role we play in creating our own reality. As we ditch the blame and shame game, the greens are us realising that we do have control of our circumstances. We begin to embrace self-care, self-love, and manifesting the life we want to live. We begin to understand that peace is an inside job. We see ourselves as already whole.
The blue, indigo, and violet is where we embody our divinity. We practice unconditional love. We move the focus from serving self to serving of others. We see others as an integral part of our wholeness.
This is where many of the spiritual entrepreneurs would argue that their marketing practices are already 5D. They're already focused on serving others.
But are they primarily serving others or selling to others? If their marketing is still focused on profits for self and profit for others, are they really applying 5D principles? Or is it just another form of survival and teaching others survival skills?
In other words, are our spiritual business practices actually red emotions in violet clothing? Do we truly trust that acting in service of others instead of selling services to others will unlock our natural abundance?
My leap of faith into my divinity
True to angel fashion, synchronicity has me participating in a 12-week program that requires me to discard all my reservations, preconceived notions, and biases towards spirituality. I said yes to an invitation to anchor Orion's template in South Africa. At the time, I knew as much about it as you do now! As a clean slate, I said yes to embarking on a journey of embracing my divinity.
The irony is not lost that the program is around ascension and embodying divine love: Vibrating at our highest frequency. Unity consciousness where there's no separation anyway.
Basically, vibrational marketing and conscious collaboration.
I guess that's my answer. At VMI and CoCoHub, we're navigating the energies around our ascension into 5D consciousness.
What this means for VMI and CoCoHub
I haven't yet run this by our members. Will it resonate or have them heading for the hills?
If I were to say to them that the curriculum is designed to own their divinity, practice unconditional love of self and others, and discard the marketing practices that are hindering their ascension into 5D consciousness, would it trigger, inspire, confuse, or frustrate them? Would their curiosity invite them to further explore?
Each response holds a clue to our current vibrational alignment in relation to our divinity, and where there's inner work still to do. We have the processes, the practices, and the platforms, each an opportunity to question what's holding us back. All that's needed is our willingness to commit.
I'll be sharing more about Orion's template, my experience of it, and how it pertains to vibrational marketing, conscious collaboration, and our ascension into 5D. Knowing that my human, physical mind is not designed to understand the how, I'll be sharing my observation of how it unfolds.
As always, the invitation to join as a VMI member and CoCoHub member. While I've previously mentioned that the archetype is The Ready One, their personality continues to unfold as we speak.
What's your biggest block? What's blocking your natural abundance? Are you ready to explore it? Feel free to share in a comment or private message because we're all in this together. What we overcome for ourselves, we overcome for others.
With love
Wellbeing Advocate | Holistic Self-Care Educator | Author
2 个月Took me on a journey and really hit something with the comment "are our spiritual business practices actually red emotions in violet clothing?". I will sit with that. Thank you for your continuous inspiration my dear Allison.