From Science Fiction to Engineering Reality
Kai-Fu Lee
AI Expert, CEO of 01.AI, Chairman/CEO of 创新工场 (Sinovation Ventures), Author of 'AI Superpowers', 'AI 2041'
Kai-Fu Lee
Commencement speech delivered at CMU School of Computer Science
(Chinese version at bottom)
Deliver on May 17, 2015
First, congratulations to the graduates form the CMU School of Computer Science! I'm deeply honored and grateful that you have invited me to be a part of this seminal moment in your lives. I’m honored and humbled that among many more accomplished SCS graduates, I was chosen to receive an honorary degree this year.
I received my first Ph.D. in four and a half years. This second Ph.D. took 27 years. This program must be getting a lot tougher!
I remember coming to CMU for the first time in 1983, when I was trying to decide what grad school to go to.I was like a kid in the candy store. CMU researchers were teaching machines to talk, listen, see, and walk … I mean hop. And I decided to attend CMU after I saw the machine of my dreams: a coke machine connected to the Internet, to ensure that we had an infinite supply of caffeine.
In 1983, this all seemed like science fiction to me. But now looking back, those technologies were just in their infancy. In 2015, 32 years later today, science fiction is about to become engineering reality. And you are the chosen ones to use them to make the world a better place.
In the next 10 years,the Internet of things will outnumber the Internet of people by two orders of magnitude. If you think about it, you probably only own a hundred meaningful things. So that means virtually every thinkable thing will be connected to the Internet. Will they be used as human amplification or human surveillance? That will be up to you.
In the next 10 years, our devices and the cloud will usually know what we want before we know it, and better than we know it. Not just Google Now telling you about restaurant and transportation. But also questions like "What should I say at the meeting?" or "How should I approach this girl at the bar?” With computer assistants getting smarter than us, will we be liberated or marginalized? That will be up to you.
In the next 10 years, most human jobs will be doable by machines. Machines will replace factory workers, drivers, nurses, accountants, any job that has the word "assistant" or "agent" or "broker" in it. And even some doctors, lawyers, and professors will be partially replaced by machines. (sorry professors sitting behind me) These machines will help us produce most of the world's wealth, freeing much of our time. Will we become creative and find mankind’s destiny, or become mindless pets of these machines? That will be up to you.
You are the generation that will make science fiction into engineering reality. Many commencement speech talks about "you are the generation that matters…". But in your case, it is true!
And undoubtedly, you've chosen the right school. There is no better school than CMU to train you to be a computer scientist or engineer. That's why this school's graduates are the highest paid graduates on the planet. I've hired for Apple, Google, MS — I can tell you: you, the CMU graduates, are not "one of the best". You are THE best.
So you might think you've got it made! You are graduating from the best school, and entering the most exciting field, at a time when you possess the power of youth and productivity.
Yes you have the power. But please remember what the world's greatest philosopher … Spiderman said: "with great power comes great responsibility."
You have a responsibility to work on the hard problems. Don't waste your time doing what machines will be able to do. Don't waste your talent repeating just what you learned at school. Don’t accept a job that doesn’t challenge you. Take risks and vigorously learn, so that you can become the very best in something very specific and very useful.
You have a responsibility to choose wisely. Don't just work on technologies that are advanced and cool, work on technologies make the world a better place. Choose jobs that save lives, not destroy them. Choose jobs that empower people, not displace them. Choose to work for CEOs who has more compassion than greed, who cares more about world peace than world domination.
You have a responsibility to foresee and prevent the dangers of technology and prevent the dystopian endings often found in science fiction. Nick Bostrom said in his book "Superintelligence", "As machines gain superintelligence, any feeling of gee-whiz exhilaration would be out of place. You need to have a bitter determination to be the best that you can be, much as you are preparing for a difficult exam that will either realize your dreams or obliterate them."
I want to close with my favorite science fiction quote from Arthur Clarke: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Graduates: Congratulations, you will realize your dreams, and make magic happen! Thank you!
上图为2015年CMU毕业典礼的五位荣誉博士学位得主合影:著名演员 “Hawkeye" Alan Alda, 艺术家Joyce Kozloff,《时代》100名全球最具影响力人物、创业投资家李开复 ,三次奥斯卡、四次格莱美得主Stephen Schwartz,诺贝尔奖得主Carl Wieman。
我曾在四年半的时间内获得了我人生的第一个博士学位。而这个即将获得的第二个博士学位我却用了长达27年的时间 。你们的课程一定越来越难了!
我还记得1983年第一次走进卡内基梅隆大学时的情形,当时我正在做一个“艰难的决定”——到底攻读哪所大学? 当时的我就像是首次进入糖果店里的孩子:卡内基梅隆大学的教授当时居然在教机器们说话、聆听、观看和走路(其实是单脚跳)。但是真正让我决定来读卡梅的是这样一台神器:一台可以联接到互联网的可乐机——它居然可以确保源源不断地供给咖啡因给我们这些极客们!
未来十年,我们的设备和云将知道我们想要什么,甚至这一切会发生在我们自身意识到这种需求之前。而不是局限在当前的Google Now能告诉我们餐馆和交通等信息,它将能告诉我们“我在会议上应该说些什么?”,或者是“我应该怎样邂逅那位坐在酒吧的女孩?”当计算机助手变得比我们还聪明,我们究竟是被解放,还是被边缘化?未来的结果取决于你们。
你们有责任预见和阻止技术成为伤害人类的武器,防止科幻小说中常见的悲剧结局发生。尼克·伯斯托姆(Nick Bostrom)在《超级智能》(Superintelligence)一书中称,“随着机器越来越智能,任何沾沾自喜都是不合时宜的。作为技术专家,你将面临一次有史以来最艰难的考试。你必须保持战战兢兢的最佳状态进入考场。考试过关则实现人类梦想,考试失败则毁灭人类未来。”
最后,我想用亚瑟·克拉克(Arthur Clarke,英国科幻小说家)说过的一句话,也是我最喜欢的科幻名言来结束这次演讲:任何真正的高科技都与魔法无异。
6 年好
Assistant Production Manager at adidas
8 年Great speech
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8 年Are you okay Kai Fu Lee
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9 年Today is the day we are ready to change the world! It's coming.