From Scarcity to Abundance
Sheeba Arnold
Associate Professor, Director of Data Science and Communication, Advanced Imaging Research Center (AIRC), UT Southwestern Medical Center
Ever played Jenga? It's a fun game that I used to play with our children. Your task in the game is to make sure that the tower you are building doesn't collapse. Last week, when my days were getting piled up with tasks, I thought of the game again. Although I sit well with planning and strategizing, I was certain that one slightest addition to my to-do list would put me in a "topple tower" situation. So if you are a care-giver to someone, or a healthcare proxy to a family member, or checking your email every 10 minutes while packing for an international trip, or driving kids from one summer camp to another, or dealing with grants and manuscript deadlines, or have signed up for too many volunteering opportunities that are too good to pass, or all of the above (as in my case) - check out the Eisenhower Matrix. It has helped me boost my productivity and shift my focus from scarcity to abundance.