From The Recesses Of a Retired Mind...
DrFred Rouse
I Help People Enjoy Retirement Sooner without worrying about a job or a business with breakthrough Short Window Retirement Planning. Details at
Hundreds of thousands of people are at work today. At least a third of that number are about to get on the road or board a plane or train.
All of them anticipating the family thanksgiving day meal.
Several generations at the table or at least in the same room.
The young ones playing. The middle ones thinking about work. And the older ones wondering what happened to the time.
You could draw a map from the start to the eventual retirement just by sitting in that room.
What if you had the realizations, hopes, desires and regrets of your retired parents all documented on a single piece of paper?
A roadmap of their lives to their retirement years.
What if you could get this roadmap years earlier and learn from it?
What to do? What to avoid? Specifically how to get from a youthful, just starting person in your 20s, to a mature busy seriously working person in your 40s to a blissfully retired person in your 60s without any money worries?
Wouldn't that be great?
A roadmap for your life and eventual retirement.
Does such a thing exist?
If it did, could you get it?
How much would it cost?
Could you afford to get it?
Could you afford not to?
What if it was free?
These are All interesting questions that are answered in the video I did for a best selling book launch I did a few years ago.
You can see that video here:
Dr Fred “focused for retirement” Rouse, CFP
The REAL Money Doctor
Get the free Roadmap for Your Retirement by going to: