From Reactive to Strategic Partner - How to adapt your role based on the type of organisation you are in

From Reactive to Strategic Partner - How to adapt your role based on the type of organisation you are in

Hi There!

Building on the conversations I have been having this past month, I have compiled a blog post that responds to the very different contexts people work in. While your situation is unique, some common themes always stand out. This response takes insight found only in our Organizational Change Management course. So, enjoy the read, and if you have any questions, contact me directly for a Virtual Coffee / catch-up!

From Reactive to Strategic Partner

Learn how to adapt your role based on the type of organisation you are in. This post guides the reader on transitioning from a reactive to a strategic partner role, focusing on such things as service delivery and aligning projects with business outcomes. Interventions include developing a five-year strategic plan with regular updates. Read more here:

Organisational Change Management

We provide training and coaching specifically oriented towards IT Business Partners on how they can improve their own team and work with other teams to improve overall IT performance. It's an advanced course and requires participants to have studied the preceding courses, which make up our SDBP? Foundation Certificate. If you think your team could benefit from this or are curious to see how a tailored course could work for your team, click here to find out more:

Virtual Coffee / Catch-up

I typically have two to three meetings a week with IT Business Partners or other industry leaders to keep up to date on relevant trends, discuss ideas and be a sounding board for knotty problems that we all experience from time to time. It would be great to catch up! Book here:

For more information on our products or services, please don't hesitate to reply.

Kind regards,

Jon Baxter



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