From Rare Earth Controls to Responsible Supply Chain and Investment
1.????? Executive Summary 执行概要
As a formal response to China-specific trade & investment controls and enforcement in the West, China has released significant countermeasures, before the new year holidays, with a conditional rare earth technology ban (with exceptions) to bolster her national security and Chinese-origin green technology outflows.? China supplies to US and EU markets respectively 74% and 98% in terms of rare earth compounds.
Rare earths refer to certain metallic elements critical, and sometimes foundational, to electrified energy infrastructure, engineering materials, semiconductors and electronics, and biotechnology, from permanent magnets for electric vehicles (EVs) and wind turbines to catalysts in petroleum chemical industry and emissions control.
From Chinese regulatory perspective, these countermeasures follow and substantiate her coordinating development and security (统筹发展与安全) strategy.? It seeks to address the following acute risks resulting from the US-led semiconductor ban since October 7, 2022, US-outbound investment screening, coordinated enforcement by US and allies, and looming trade measures on made-in-China EVs:
????????? Technology blockade along with talent mobility restraints and loss,
????????? Uprooting foreign investments or manufacturing capacity standstill,
????????? Supply-chain offshoring and hollowing industrial clusters co-built with MNCs, and
????????? Harms to the development interests and the lawful rights and interests of Chinese citizens and private sectors doing businesses overseas.
Still, Chinese countermeasures are less geo-centric.? China’s export control approach is balanced and differs from its Western counterparts.? The latter seeks? to “out-compete” China with multi-purpose policy objectives including fighting “racism and hate.”[1]
Nevertheless, the dynamic licensing nature of export controls also means its outcome of asymmetrical strike as offense with unintended consequences, if conflict escalates.
2.????? Actionable Insights 务实分析
The conditional ban on exports of supply-side of rare earth mining, exploration, smelting and metallurgical technologies presents the newly added covered technologies ?under the updated Controlled Technology List[2] released on December 21, 2023 by Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM).
It comes in tandem with the separate, updated Dual-use Control List[3] released on December 29, 2023 that significantly deregulates items such as certain biotechnology but regularizes the recent licensing measures on
与稀土技术出口禁令一前一后出台的《两用物项和技术进出口许可证管理目录》(2023年12月29日颁布)显著减少了监管物项(例如若项生物技术) ,但常态化了近期已经落地的(临时出口)管制措施:
????????? graphite critical to EV production, and
????????? gallium and germanium related items – critical ingredients in making semiconductors, electronics, solar cells and catalysts in polymerization (which China supplies 54% globally) (“Rare Earth Tech Export Ban”).
镓、 锗相关物项——在制造半导体、电子产品、光伏中关键原材料以及作为聚合物催化剂(中国占全球54%供给)(“稀土技术出口禁令”)。
Screening China-outbound Trade & Investment with Regulatory Significance
The conditional Rare Earth Tech Export Ban covers a wide range of upstream rare earth items and technologies with across-the-spectrum impacts on items from permanent magnets used in EVs, airplanes or wind turbines, to semiconductors and electronics, LED lighting, infrared optics, fiber optics, solar cells, polymerization catalysts and pharmaceuticals as well as aerospace and military applications.
有条件的稀土技术出口禁令涵盖一系列上游稀土物项和技术,其跨行业影响涵盖面从电动汽车、飞机或风力涡轮机中使用的永久磁铁,半导体和电子产品、LED 照明、红外光学、光纤、光伏、聚合物催化剂和制药,到航空航天和国防应用等领域。
Technology transfer restrictions under Chinese Export Control Law (ECL) and regulations take a substance-over-form approach.? Regulatory scrutiny applies whenever business transactions, either technology licensing / transfer arrangements, joint ventures, business collaborations, or private equity / mergers & acquisitions (PE/M&A) transactions, would involve cross-order transfer of controlled technologies.[4]? In other words, proper filing or licensing must be in place upfront, before engaging in certain cross-border trade and investment activities.
中国《出口管制法》(ECL)和相关行政规章视野下,针对受控技术转让的审查适用实质重于形式的原则。 无论是技术许可/转让协议、合资合作还是私募股权/并购(PE/M&A)交易,若涉及受控技术的跨境转让,应认定为纳入出口管制的商业交易。换言之,企业或个人在从事特定的跨境贸易和投资活动之前,应当进行适当的报备或申请相应的出口许可证。
Source: Arafura Rare Earths
Under-appreciated Exceptions
Exceptions exist to facilitate China-outbound investment in areas such as collaborative exploration of high-grade rare earth ores with greener technology application that fall within restricted export categories that would minimize the environmental footprint in rare earth material extraction, processing and recycling.
The updated Controlled Technology List carves out “ionic rare earth ore leaching process” (change from item 080901J to 080901X) as export-restricted rather than export-prohibited mining engineering technology.[5]? Also, certain rare earth metallurgical technologies fall within export-restricted technologies thus licensable:
????????? Rare earth exploration, selection and metallurgical technologies other than those captured under export-prohibited categories,
????????? Synthesis process and formulation of rare-earth extractants, and
????????? Rare-earth modification and addition technology for metal materials.
Therefore, while halting outflow of most rare earth producing/processing technologies, this conditional ban also offers:
修订后《中国禁止出口限制出口技术目录》将采矿工程技术——离子型稀土矿山浸取工艺由禁止出口变更为限制出口(编号由080901J变更为 080901X)。同时,特定有色金属冶金技术也纳入限制出口范围,从而允许适格企业取得出口许可(包括“稀土的采矿、选矿、冶炼技术(已列入禁止出口的技术除外)、稀土萃取剂的合成工艺及配方、金属材料的稀土改性添加技术”)。
????????? legitimate room to minimize interruption to pre-existing captive supply chain of industrial MNCs with bases in China if electing to local compliance,
????????? and exception for China-outbound investment and technology cooperation with greener rare earth exploitation technology.
Dual-Track Export Control Measures with Primary & Ancillary Targets
As an emerging dual-track export control measure with primary and ancillary targets, other than rare earth controls, the latest Chinese countermeasures come along with adding new export restrictions that affirm China’s traditional commitments largely aligned with the West countering illicit narcotics and organized crimes, nonproliferation, and regional stability:
????????? advance-grade laser detection and ranging (LiDAR) technology
????????? unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)
????????? UAV flight control and sensor technologies
????????? cybersecurity tech with broad-bandwidth capacity beyond 500Gbps, and
接入线路带宽达到 500Gbps 以上大流量网络安全处理专用设备相关技术
????????? precursor ingredients to illegal drugs.
Also, it is worth noting that the current Chinese countermeasures carved out the proposed licensing on photonic wafers (which China accounts for 97% global supply), for the time being.
3.????? Business Implications for MNCs
Chinese regulators see China-specific sanctions among various trade & investment restrictions in the West as overstretching national security laws (国家安全泛化) in disguise of “competing and practicing protectionism in the name of de-risking and reducing dependence”.
In practice, China-outbound trade & investment involving unlicensed transfer of controlled technologies could become illegal under local Chinese law.? Unlicensed transfer of controlled technologies or dual-use items, either directly or through third parties, may lead to hefty fines at 5-10 times of the illegal turnover plus disgorgement of illegal gains (depending on the nature & severity of violation).
回到商业实际,海外投资和国际商业往来若构成未经许可转让受控技术,在中国法律视野下将构成非法行为。未经许可转让受控技术或两用物项(无论直接或通过第三方)的违法后果包括违法经营额 5到10 倍的巨额罚款、并没收非法所得(视违法性质和严重程度而定)等严厉处罚。
By contrast, MOFCOM has broadened and facilitated, since August 2023, pilot general licenses within selected free trade zones for certain dual-use items crucial to China-based manufacturing bases of MNCs with value chains in petrochemicals, aeronautic components, engines, batteries, and lighting sectors. [6]
相形之下,自 2023 年 8 月起,中国商务部已推动若干自贸区内指定两用物项的通用许可便利化改革试点,确保“放开到位”政策取向落实到在华有基础的跨国公司价值链,而适用通用许可试点的指定两用物项涉及石油化工、航空零部件、发动机、电池和照明等行业。
It remains to be seen how MOFCOM would administer the following key risk areas:
????????? Exports of manufacturing equipment carrying sensitive technologies,
????????? Technological services and site management of overseas plants already in place,
????????? House-keeping of an effective compliance program at the level of a licensable exporter, with sufficient paper trails to ensure no derail or circumvention.[7]
Going forward and with respect to upstream/downstream businesses to rare earth sector, Chinese regulators may leverage ECL to further:
???? 对于稀土以外的上下游而言,当前的稀土涉及的出口管制措施展现了中国监管部门有权进一步运用《出口管制法》完善如下监管要求和跨部门执法协作:
????????? Emulate the US with her own “foreign direct product rule” with respect to physical movements of processing equipment that contains controlled technologies
????????? Inspect and penalize non-compliant maintenance / use of controlled technologies
????????? Strengthen international collaboration overseas in critical material exploration, R&D centers, and standardization initiatives that meet her national security and environmental interests.
In short, every individual and corporate citizen incorporated in or operating within the territory of China must respect and comply with China’s export control and national security laws, with more weights and resources on local compliance, in order to avoid disruption to their greater market access, tax credits and investment returns.
In terms of immediate “to-dos,” MNCs need adequate resourcing and follow through with respect to the following:
????????? Staffing clear-minded, disciplined people on the ground who genuinely place trade & investment compliance essential to corporate value proposition,
????????? Regularizing informed workstreams to comply with China’s “countermeasures,” minimize surprises, and ensure smooth communication with regulators, and
????????? Operationalizing effective compliance programs respecting trade rules and national security interests of both at home and on the ground, while safeguarding shareholder and business interests.
Note: This memo does not constitute legal advice; to avoid misinterpretation or misinformed actions, please contact your trusted legal advisor for legal advice.
[1] U.S. White House, Biden Administration National Security Strategy, October 12, 2022,
[2] Chinese Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Technology, Announcement 57 (2023) on Issuing the Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited or Restricted by China from Export (“Controlled Technology List”), issued and effective on December 21, 2023,
[3] Chinese Ministry of Commerce and General Administration of Customs, Announcement 66 (2023) on 2024 Dual-Use Items & Technologies Import and Export License Catalogue (“Dual-Use Control List”), issued on December 29, 2023 and effective on January 1, 2024,
[4] Chinese Ministry of Commerce Press Release on Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited or Restricted by China from Export, “Technology export refers to the transfer of technology out of China through trade, investment or economic and technical cooperation.” (技术出口是指从中国境内向境外,通过贸易、投资或者经济技术合作的方式转移技术的行为),
[5] Under the Chinese taxology for controlled technologies, items ended with “J” refer to export prohibition, while those ended with “X” refer to export restriction (triggering licensing requirements).
[6] Chinese Ministry of Commerce, Circular on Carrying Out Pilot Work Related to Export Control of Dual-Use Items in Selected Pilot Free Trade Zones, issued on August 20, 2023 and effective on September 1, 2023,
[7] Chinese Ministry of Commerce, Announcement No. 10 [2021], Guiding Opinions on Establishing an Internal Compliance Mechanism for Export Control by Exporters of Dual-Use Items,