From A Proud American Constituent
Picture Taken by H. Nowlin

From A Proud American Constituent

posted on behalf of Mary in Eugene, Oregon

"I'm a proud American constituent that feels firmly my rights are being ignored by both parties. By the Democratic Party for not pushing back harder to dispel the rhetoric the gop/maga crowd is trying to push. Anyone who has read history knows it is false. This country has always had its groups that feel they are better and deserve more, but that is the beauty of a Democracy. They can say it or act it out and know they won't be imprisoned for the comments/actions [unless those words and/or actions cause criminal conduct or harm to others]. This is the way I hope this country will stay and tell the ones that are trying to ruin it to go somewhere else like Russia, North Korea or China. They can see how long they would be allowed to disrupt the balance the dictators have in place there. Folks - it is time to pull your head out of the sand, or wherever it is stuck. The dark money that maga/gop accepts needs to also stop so everyone has a chance to be heard as an American as having "privilege" is meant to be.

The gop/maga are trying to destroy Social Security by saying it is a hand-out when that isn't true as anyone who has worked KNOWS. Social Security became a law on August 14, 1935 when President Roosevelt - a Democrat president signed it into law. The maga don't hear or accept the fact that Social Security is both a tax and wildly popular! The average worker contributes so they can have a retirement fund, otherwise probably not possible. Their employer also contributes. So, leave Social Security alone, and do what you are elected to do, which is represent all the people in your district, not just dark money. Focus on the real issues that our country needs to address that have been kicked down the road for decades, and now the cost to do anything is itself a big issue.

Social Security was financially stable until 1981 when Congress took a large IOU from the trust fund that was to lapse in 1982, but to date, none of the money taken has been replaced. Every President since 1983 has felt it is okay to use Social Security funds for other government spending, which is wrong. Now Social Security program is in real trouble for the younger workers, since there aren't as many contributing (our population is aging), and yet folks want to blame others or keep their heads in the sand rather than do what a Democracy does - take care of everyone. Taking care of each other in some way has always been in the history books, but for some reason in the last 20 years, it isn't a calling for a lot of folks. Thankfully, we still have citizens that care and do what they can for others. It seems to be a minority versus a majority. Our world requires everyone to be present for this world to survive. It means that everyone must participate to make it better.

Democrats with the upcoming election need to and have to get the issues into and under the thoughts of the average American. It will cause the voters to really think for themselves, not just take someone else's word for it. Thoughts about women's total rights and not letting all progress we've made in the last 100 years be taken away from them - whether young or old. Education must become a priority again which includes teaching all our history, not just the good side but even the bad needs to be taught. We can still stand with pride about it all since it is what made this Democracy and who we are as Americans. Don't let dark money say things that aren't true about (history) or anything else, or accept it as true. Allowing that to happen is how WWII started, and what we fought against then, and will have to do again. Prove to the world that we - as a country have improved over the last 3 years - because we have done better than "some" predicted and still they push the hype. We haven't lost anything - the world is progressing and not regressing. We can't let it regress by electing anyone that is pushing us to regress.

Our history is not to be ashamed of no matter what it was or is now. We just don't need to repeat the things we should and could have done better. Otherwise, all that died protecting the American democracy, or thought they were will have died in vain."

Absolutely, Mary! As Thomas Jefferson beautifully put it, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." In the spirit of growth and liberty, Treegens is proud to announce a sponsorship opportunity for the Guinness World Record of Tree Planting. ?? Grow with us:



