From Product Manager to Product Leader- The Big Shift!
Hello, all you product-loving folks! ??
Welcome to this week's edition of Product Café, your weekly cup of coffee for everything product management, startups, and more. ?
Here's a secret! ??
Moving up the career ladder from Product Manager (PM) to Product Leader is not just about scaling the same cliff, just higher. It's more like leaping across a chasm to a whole new summit. ??
Take a Leap ??
Your journey from an Associate Product Manager (APM) to a Senior Product Manager (SPM) has been a tough, thrilling climb. You've grown stronger, mastered your skills, and taken on bigger challenges. But there's a plot twist!
Simply pushing harder in the same direction won't land you at the Product Leadership peak.???
The transition entails significant shifts in perspective:
Breadth over Depth ??:?You might be the wizard of a specific type of product work, but as a Product Leader, it’s time to cast a wider net. The orchestration now involves different product areas – features, growth, scaling, and product-market fit expansion. It's time to broaden your repertoire and become a maestro of all!
Mentoring over Mastery ??????: Sure, you've been acing your role. But as a Product Leader, it’s about helping others ace their roles too. Think of yourself as a coach; your value is now measured by your team's collective success, not just your own prowess.
Influence, Don't Just Solve ????:?Instead of just cracking puzzles with the pieces you have, you're now influencing others to bring in more pieces. In other words, you've got to identify roadblocks, influence others to solve them, and rally the resources you need to win the game.
Eyes on the Horizon, not just the Road??: You're not just navigating your own career GPS anymore; you're charting the course for the entire organization. The view has changed from the driver's seat to the control tower.
Stepping into Product Leadership means embracing the challenge of managing different types of product work, and aligning them with a cohesive vision that syncs up with the company's strategy.
The leap to Product Leadership may be a challenging climb, more so than your previous hikes. It's a shift from being a star performer to becoming a strategic maestro. But hey, who doesn't love a good challenge?
Riddle of the Week ??
I'm not a person, yet I have a story to tell. I'm used every day, yet I'm often overlooked. I am what every product team should know. What am I?
Keep reading to find out the answer. ??
Apple's Vision Pro: Shaking Reality and Draining Wallets!
Have you ever just sat back and thought, "Gosh, I could really do with a break from reality right about now"?
No, I'm not suggesting you pick up meditation or move to the mountains (though both sound great); I'm talking about a whole different dimension of escape. An escape that’s yours for the taking provided you've got a spare $3,499 tucked away in your piggy bank.
Because… Apple has rolled out the red carpet to introduce the Vision Pro!
It combines virtual reality with augmented reality, which overlays digital images on top of the real world.
Imagine this: You're sitting on your couch, Vision Pro donned, and suddenly you're not just watching soccer, you're in the field, or you're whisked away to a private island. Sounds fun, right?
From its utility in gaming to it being your own personal cinematic universe, and even a fancy tool for your workplace - the Vision Pro promises to be as versatile as a Swiss Army knife.
My dreams of escaping Monday morning meetings have never seemed more vivid!??
So, start counting your pennies, fellow escape artists!
What’s brewing on’s side???
In our latest podcast, we dive deep into the product management pool, exploring the vital role of upskilling for product managers and uncovering the path that leads from being a product manager to becoming a product leader. ??
“Can you go to a library to read a book about how to drive? The content is important, but in order to drive, you need to be trained in coaching, mentorship, and support, right?”?? - says?Moe Ali , the Founder of?Product Faculty , while highlighting the importance of comprehensive coaching for developing advanced PM skills.
He also touched upon the following:
??His top three learnings
??Difference between a Product Leader and a Product Manager
??What makes a Product Leader successful?
Watch the full episode to learn more! ??
That’s all, folks! Have something you want to share? If you have something you'd like to share, drop it in the comments below, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
See you again soon! ??
Answer to the riddle:?User Journey or Customer Journey
It’s hard to explain what a Product Manager does, we get it. But you know what’s not that hard? Sharing this newsletter with your friends and colleagues!