From the President: April 2023
Farewell for Now
I Did It My Way
And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friends, I'll say it clear
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
I’ve filled a job that’s huge
I need more hours tacked onto my day
And more, much more than this
I did it my way.
Regrets, I’ve had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course
Each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way.
Songwriters: Paul Anka, Gilles Thibaut, Claude Francois, Jacques Revaux. Original “My Way” lyrics
? Jeune Musique Ed., Barclay Eddie Nouvelles Editions, Chrysalis Standards Inc.?
I blinked, and my year as your President is coming to a close. If I had to choose one word to describe the past twelve months, it would be “exhilarating.” I met many members I did not know before, renewed and strengthened the WCBA’s existing relationships, and guided us into the new post-COVID reality. I truly learned something new every single day, and for that, I am grateful.
I put my own stamp on this wonderful organization by introducing the Stronger Together Initiative, and I am proud to say that it has been an outstanding success. There have been more co-sponsorships and more collaboration between the WCBA and the affinity bars than ever before. I am a member of a number of affinity bar associations, and saw the same collaboration extended among the affinity bars with each other. I attended a WWBA board meeting in February and was thrilled to find that the Presidents of the WBBA, WPBA, and HVHBA were also in attendance. Even NYSBA has launched a version of the Stronger Together Initiative. The capstone of the Stronger Together Initiative will be the affinity bar associations’ joint CLE program, “Making It Rain: How to Launch Your Legal Career,” featuring a panel of distinguished affinity bar members. Be sure to attend later this month.
Among the highlights of the past year were our Golf Outing and Dinner in September, our Holiday Party with the Port Chester/Rye Bar Association and Hudson Valley Hispanic Bar Association in December, our Public Service Committee’s breast cancer walk and blood drive, the revival of Mentoring Circles, and the ongoing work of the Task Force (now Committee) on Attorney Well-Being.
Our ability to manage our public outreach is only as good as our ability to manage ourselves. To that end, the WCBA Board of Directors approved some housekeeping measures this year. Each officer and Board member was assigned as a liaison to designated sections and committees. Almost immediately, the result was more efficiency and accountability to the association.
If anyone thinks the President runs this show alone, think again. I thank each and every member of the Board of Directors for your support; you made my job easier. Your energy, enthusiasm, and love for the WCBA was evident at every meeting, and beyond. Together, we accomplished much and had a great time doing it.
My special thanks goes to the Executive Committee. I have said it before, and I say it again: I could not have put together a better group if I tried (side thanks to the 2021 Nominating Committee who selected the slate and to the WCBA membership who approved it). Thank you for giving up many a lunch hour for emergency meetings or email votes to resolve one issue or another. Thank you for not being “yes people”—our diversity of opinions, free exchange of ideas, and ability to listen to each other served the WCBA well by making us all better leaders. Thank you for your unwavering support when the going sometimes got tough….truly, the tough got going!
Thank you to my partners at Goldschmidt & Genovese for supporting me in so many ways this past year. Your part-time partner will soon be back on a full-time basis—and yes, that is a threat as well as a promise!
To Stephanie Burns, Mary Ellen McCourt and the editorial staff of this Magazine: thank you for making me look good, month after month, and for politely overlooking my occasional lateness in getting my articles to you.
Our superlative staff deserves a round of applause: Brittney Moore, Melanie Zamenhof, Mary Ellen McCourt and Mary Anne Gospodinov, thank you for your tireless work behind the scenes to make the WCBA great.
Now I wax emotional. Isabel Dichiara, you were my rock, my sounding board, and my friend through thick and thin. I honestly do not know how I could have accomplished anything without your wisdom, innovative ideas and boundless energy. When you interviewed for the Executive Director’s position years ago, I was present to observe but had no vote. The selection committee asked for my opinion on the three candidates under consideration. I distinctly recall replying that we would be out of our minds not to hire you. Happily, they agreed. That was my first—and still the best—decision I ever made on behalf of the WCBA. Thank you, my friend … I am in your debt.
I saved the best for last: my heartfelt thanks to the WCBA membership for granting me the honor and privilege to serve as your President. I gave it my all, because you deserve nothing less. Our future is in capable hands … and I hope to continue to play a part in it. For now, farewell!