From PBS on "Experts Describe What Happens to Our Brains and Memories As We Age".
Mike Delaney
Creator and Education Coordinator of Northern Kentucky Social Emotional Learning (NKY SEL)
"There's actually a lot of abilities that remain stable or even get better with age(see comment)" - Dr. Charan Ranganath, U.C. Berkley
(continued from above) "So, for instance, knowledge, like the kind of knowledge that you would hope a president would have, that remains stable or can even improve. Likewise, you see things like compassion and emotion regulation that can be improving with age, or at least remain stable.
I think a lot of what people judge is based on surface characteristics that are dominated by confidence or by physical presence, rather than the more substantive issues." - Dr. Charan Ranganath, U.C. Berkley