Hey there, incredible working mums! Are you feeling like you're drowning in a sea of responsibilities, barely keeping your head above water? Trust me, I've been there, and let me tell you, you're doing an amazing job! But I also know that overwhelm can sneak up on us and leave us feeling like we're losing control. So, grab a cuppa and let's dive into some of my life coaching tips that will help you kick overwhelm to the curb and step into your power.
- Embrace the "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" Mentality: Okay, let's be real here. We can't control everything. So, instead of stressing over every little thing, ask yourself, "Is this going to matter in the grand scheme of things?" If the answer is "no," take a deep breath, let it go, and focus on what truly matters.
- Find Your "Mum Squad": You know, those fellow mums who understand your struggles and make you feel like you're not alone in this crazy ride called motherhood? Surround yourself with these amazing humans who can offer a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, and maybe even a glass of something when things get tough. It's essential we surround ourselves with other women who empower us.
- Dance it Out: When overwhelm strikes, get Alexa to play your favorite tunes and have an impromptu dance party in the kitchen. Trust me, there's something magical about shaking off the stress and being present in the moment. Plus, your kids will love it and no doubt join in!
- Treat Yo' Self (No, Seriously!): As mums, we often put ourselves last on the never-ending to-do list. But here's the deal: you deserve some TLC too! Whether it's scheduling a massage, indulging in a hot bath, or simply curling up with a good book, make self-care a non-negotiable and essential part of your routine. Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup!
- Break it Down, Mama: Overwhelm loves to make things seem bigger than they are. So, take a step back, breathe, and break those seemingly insurmountable tasks into smaller, bite-sized pieces. Tackle them one at a time or delete them completely, and before you know it, you'll be crossing things off your to-do list like a boss!
- Give Yourself Permission to Say "No": Repeat after me: "No is not a dirty word!" We need to set boundaries and prioritize your own well-being. If saying "yes" feels like adding another straw to the camel's back, it's time to practice the art of saying "no" with confidence. Remember, it's not about being selfish; it's about protecting your time and energy.
- Find the Funny in the Chaos: Let's face it sometimes if you don't laugh you will cry. Motherhood can be messy, chaotic, and downright unbelievable at times. Instead of letting the chaos bring you down, embrace the humor in the situation. Laugh at those toddler tantrums, giggle when the dog vomits over the rug (again!), and remember that laughter truly is the best medicine.
- Celebrate Every Tiny Victory: Life is made up of little moments of triumph. So, celebrate those victories, no matter how small they may seem. Did you manage to get through a hectic workday without spilling coffee on your favorite top? Fist bump! Did you successfully assemble that dreaded flat-pack furniture without losing a screw (or your sanity)? You're a superhero! Remember, you're rocking this mum thing, one victory at a time.
What are some life coaching tips that have helped you navigate the challenges of being a working mom? Share your insights and experiences in the comments below. Let's support and empower each other on this incredible journey!