From New Managers to Executives: Free Leadership Training Toolkits for Every Level
Jackie Kennedy
Founder at LeadMe Academy | Certified Neuroleadership Coach | CTT Practioner | OD Consultant | ‘Soft Skills’ Advocate
As an HR leader, you understand that leadership development is critical for a company’s success. And yet it’s also sometimes a misconception that upskilling and continual learning is only necessary at certain career stages. Over the last 15 years coaching and developing leaders at all levels, I’ve seen how challenges like communication, engagement, and performance can impact everyone from brand new managers to seasoned senior leaders.
That's why in the coming weeks, our team at LeadMe Academy will be releasing a series of Leadership Training Toolkits designed specifically to address the unique needs of your new managers, middle management, and executives. Each toolkit will be packed with practical insights drawn from behavioural science and neuroscience-backed strategies that can be applied immediately—ensuring your team is not only learning but evolving in real-time.
To receive the Leadership Training Series Toolkits, subscribe to this newsletter or to our LeadMe monthly mailer . And if you'd like to measure your company's current leadership development capabilities, start our free assessment here .
“Organisations need leaders at all levels who understand the business, develop their teams, and can innovate in an increasingly complex and dynamic environment. Developing leaders throughout the organisation, not just at the top, ensures that the company has the agility, resilience, and vision to sustain long-term success.”— Harvard Business Review
Leadership is an evolving journey, and providing your people with the right tools and training will not only grow your managers but also your business!
Onward and upward,
LeadMe Academy is designed to offer scalable, accessible lessons and activities combined with coaching. We work closely with companies to create a common language, foster a culture of continuous learning, and shape the way leadership is understood and practised.
To learn more about how our flagship Leadership Development & Coaching Programme can train your managers to lead, reach out to me here or email [email protected]