From Netscape to Chrome

From Netscape to Chrome

Netscape was the first company to attempt to capitalise on the nascent WWW. It release the first version of web browser on year 1994. Within four months of its release, it had already taken three-quarters of the browser market. During this period, Netscape made money by selling the license of the Browser and double their revenue every single quarter. On Aug 1995, the company made an extremely successful IPO.

Microsoft did not pay attention to this company until Netscape announced to build web based Operating System. The way to fight back was also simple, build another web browser embedded into Windows system and made it free! We all know what happened after that, IE dominated the market and Netscape disappeared eventually. 

To summarise: Windows get rid of Netscape by "Free + Build-in".

However, the war of web browser is not ended. At year 2002, Firefox, a free and open source web browser, was created and quickly got popular due to its speed, security and add-ons. Although Firefox is an open-source software, there are still huge potential. Google realised Web Browser is the best place to attract traffic and started to sponsor Firefox. Google become the default search engine in Firefox. and soon, due to the limitation of "open-source", Google decided to create its own browser, Chrome, and... we all know what happen after that. 

Let's review this case: Why Netscape failed so quickly? Why IE was then defeated by Firefox and then Google Chrome?

Mistake of Netscape #1: sell web browser like a traditional software. Without realising the huge potential of Internet Traffic and the value of users. by the time Netscape wanted to change its business strategy, there was no more market space. 

Mistake of Netscape #2: Bearing the burdens as  pioneer, Netscape want to build the best and perfect product. In the end, the software got bigger and slower, just like IE a few years after Netscape. Firefox did better on "Subtraction". The software is lighter and faster. Its focus is not to serve 100% of the user, but the group of users looking for better performance and efficiency. 

It is very interesting to see that how differently companies look at "Web Browser". Netscape and Microsoft look at "Web Browser" as a software product. They want to build in as many function as possible to make it worth the price paid. Google look at "Web Browser" as the source of internet traffic, and like to make it free. The concept of product design for Google Chrome is also different. It focus on the browsing experience and speed and try to make the browser simple and light enough to ensure the browsing experience. It also explained why Google / Firefox always trying to standardise HTML to improve the browsing experience and yet keep the browser simple. At the same time, Google Chrome also open to developers to provide much more add-ons comparing with IE. 

Now, similar thing is happening in Smart Phone industry. The smart phone companies get revenue not only by selling the hardware, but also the build-in app stores. Google Pay hits record high revenue and yet entering the second largest smart phone market, China. In China, without Google Play, the company strategy is very unique. Companies, like Xiaomi, minimise the hardware margin to dominate the market and offer its own build in store. Not only the app store but also the accessory stores. After a few years growth, Xiaomi owns a huge group of customers (Mi-funs) with huge purchasing power. Xiaomi is not only selling mobile games to Mi-funs, but also hardwares, such as air purifier and TVs, even services, like Mi-pay, Mi-Sim Card. Xiaomi should not be defined as a smart phone company anymore. It is a company to create an eco-system to serve its Mi-funs in the whole new digital world.  

Now we can tell who are still traditional phone makers and who are the new generation of smart phone industry players. We will see who left the market in the next few years, just like Nokia before. 

Sometimes, the innovation of business logic is more important than the innovation of technology.



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