From Music to Wealth Management
I would very much like to offer my gratitude to Sanlam for inviting me for a brief yet informative internship. Having recently graduated from studying music, I expected that?my first experience of shifting into the world of investment management would be quite a change. However, Sanlam made this process incredibly smooth and enjoyable. On my first day at Sanlam, I was introduced to a few members of the team who welcomed me into the morning briefing. Tom suggested that it would be beneficial for me to observe how members of the team interact in the office in order to get a feel for the language and communication styles of investment management firms. I was informed of Sanlam’s philosophy as well as the vast array of services that they provide.
The second day of the internship was a work from home day and all the meetings took place over Zoom. I was introduced to Chris Turdean who chatted to me about sustainable investing. I had not considered that sustainability would hold such importance in this field, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it is high up on Sanlam’s list of priorities. My task for day 2 involved reading reports on various companies, specifically about their dedication to sustainability and their impact on the environment which was very insightful.
Later on in the week, I was tasked with writing a section of the weekly newsletter which is sent to Sanlam's clients. I researched current affairs in the finance world that might have implications for their clients’ portfolios. It was interesting to discover all the different ways clients are supported at Sanlam. As well as observing how Sanlam operates, various people in the office spoke to me about how the industry is changing and what it might look like in a few years’ time. With this in mind, Tom set me the task of researching ‘disruptors’ to allow me to gain a grasp of how they are shaping the future of financial services.
My week at Sanlam passed quickly but was certainly an invaluable experience. I accomplished more than I thought I would and am grateful that I had such a lot to get on with. I appreciate the time that everyone took to chat with me. Hearing their stories and experiences gave me a great insight into the finance world. Finally, a big thanks to Tom for inviting me to Sanlam and creating this opportunity.