From Mundane to Exotic: Managing Oscillations in High-Inverter Power Systems
Modern power grids are enormous, incredibly complicated systems, full of huge, powerful, and sometimes restless machinery connected together through a massive and ever-changing network of power lines. The art of planning and operating safe and reliable power grids requires continuous attention to the system’s dynamic behavior. In short, all the parts of the grid must play nicely with each other.
A key operational objective for grid system operators is keeping the power system running smoothly and at an acceptable equilibrium. But customers, Mother Nature, and more nefarious forces are constantly disturbing that equilibrium. Disruptions could be things such as end-users changing their consumption, lightning strikes to power lines or other violent weather events, failing equipment, and an endless list of other troublesome phenomena. The power system must endure these disturbances then return to equilibrium quickly and safely.
It is the tendency of power systems to “bounce around,” or oscillate, and that’s the topic of this blog. Concern about some of these oscillations, especially as power systems transition to low-emission energy sources that use inverters, keeps a sizeable portion of the system operations community and other stakeholders awake at night. The Energy Systems Integration Group is launching a new report, Diagnosis and Mitigation of Observed Oscillations in IBR-Dominant Power Systems: A Practical Guide, designed for people tasked with assessing the cause of oscillations in their system and identifying mitigation options; consulting the guide is the first step that follows “I see an oscillation. What is it? What do I do about it?”
By using a few everyday examples, I’ll try to illustrate what oscillations are, what causes them, and why they must be mitigated to ensure grids can operate safely and reliably.
Oscillations are evolving so that they are dominated by control behavior.
Highway driving is a useful analogy: picture being in heavy traffic on a major road with your cruise control set at 60 miles per hour, and other vehicles doing the same. You are trying to maintain speed, stay at a safe distance from others, and stay in your lane. But, inevitably, there is a pothole. Today you are driving your old 1950s vintage jalopy that hasn’t had new shock absorbers since the Sputnik incident. Your car lurches vertically, and bobs through several swings before settling down again. These are oscillations. When they’re bad enough, they create a hazard. They put the car equipment at risk, make control (like staying in your lane) difficult, introduce a host of other unwanted concerns, and might even cause other cars to oscillate or crash. Substitute lightning hitting a power line for the pothole, and swings of voltage or frequency for the vertical swings of the car, and you’ve got the idea.
Driving in the modern world introduces some additional parallels. There are new opportunities for unwelcome behavior. Consider: how would self-driving functions respond to the pothole? Does the active lane assist operate correctly? In the future, will active suspension help or hurt? In short, in the old days things were mostly mechanical and passive. Just as with modern automobiles, today, we are evolving into a world where there are many autonomous or “intelligent” controls actively participating in the behavior of power systems. And they are everywhere, in solar panels, battery systems, wind turbines, car chargers, air conditioners. The list is nearly endless, and especially concentrated on devices with inverters.? Inverters with fast, agile, intelligent controls are everywhere because they greatly increase the functionality and value of the resources they enable, but the opportunities for unanticipated outcomes increase.
Active controls can aggravate system stability.
When controls act aggressively in response to stimulus, there is a risk they will overreact and cause unstable behavior. Another relatable example is the instability of a poor audio system in a meeting room. Everyone has experienced the combined effects of volume being too high, speakers in the wrong position, poor acoustics, and so on. Sound waves are oscillations, too. The growing screech, commonly called “feedback,” is more accurately called “positive feedback.” The noise grows without bound until something can’t handle it. This is a quintessential unstable control system.
The system – the entirety of the microphone, amplifier, speakers, and room – is being driven unstable. Similar mechanisms exist in power systems with active elements. Substitute voltage, current, or power for sound amplitude, and it is easy to imagine how bad outcomes are possible. Solutions have similarities as well:? here, the first reaction is “turn down the volume.” An engineer would insist on using more precise language: “reduce the gain.” But the meaning (and efficacy) are the same. Other steps you might take, like rearranging the room, using a smarter amplifier, adding sound damping, all have parallels in power systems.
?New technology layers in new risks.
Oscillations in power systems have always been of concern. Swings comparable to the slower speed (frequency) of the older, mechanical car with bad shocks have always existed. Now, with the increasing use of inverter-based resources (IBRs) such as solar PV, wind, battery systems, inverter-based transmission, and distribution and load technologies that parallel the new automobile technology, we are observing oscillations with a wider range of characteristics and root causes. These new elements tend to be faster, more agile, and with more extensive “brains” (controls) than older power generation equipment.
Faster phenomena, more like the microphone’s acoustic feedback, have also emerged. The old causes are still there, but now they are mixed in with new causes. This raises new risks for power system operation and planning, considering that oscillations can lead to unwanted equipment disconnections, supply interruptions, equipment damage, and other violations of reliability criteria. The degree of unknown and uncertainty is a major concern for the system operators who are accountable for these risks.
Traditional oscillatory phenomena include:
·?????? inter-area and inter-machine synchronous machine interaction
·?????? synchronous machine swings requiring power system stabilizers
·?????? HVDC power oscillations
·?????? interregional power swings
·?????? subsynchronous resonance.
New issues, or those associated with evolution to high levels of IBRs, include:
·?????? IBR control stability with low levels of synchronous generators
·?????? subsynchronous control interaction
·?????? fast voltage regulator instability
This is not a comprehensive list, as new issues will inevitably arise accompanying the technological evolution of the grid.
?The tool box is growing.
The litany of risks may seem intimidating, but the reality is that most problems experienced to date have simple, mundane causes that can be readily remedied. Methods exist to find and fix problems and they are continuously and rapidly improving. Each of these phenomena has a body of practice, analytical tools, and a suite of options to provide mitigation. Mitigation options tend to fall into three broad categories, with many specific items under each. These include:
·?????? operating point and control settings
·?????? changes or additions to plant physical structure
·?????? changes in the grid
?Looking ahead, the system operations research community is making strides in defining and managing oscillatory issues and solutions. For example, in March 2024, practitioners and researchers assembled for a Special Workshop on Oscillations , hosted by the Energy Systems Integration Group (ESIG) and Global Power System Transformation Consortium (G-PST) . Experts shared experience, progress, best practices, and cutting-edge research results from around the world.? Our targeted exploration extends beyond a one-day workshop. The guide mentioned above, “Diagnosis and Mitigation of Observed Oscillations in IBR-Dominant Power Systems: A Practical Guide” was created by my ESIG Task Force focused on power system stability. ?It will be a starting point for practitioners who encounter oscillatory behavior and can function as a sort of field guide or diagnostician’s assistant. ?Learn more about it by visiting the guide’s web page .
?Keep calm and carry on.
Oscillations have always been a worry, but the industry has also always been effective in managing them. New variations linked to the growth of IBR-dominant power systems are mostly well understood and readily fixed. ?The technical community continues to focus on solutions that enable the energy transition. Stakeholders need to take the risk of oscillations seriously, but proceed with confidence that issues can be solved practically and economically. While there is always more work to be done, G-PST and ESIG are leading or taking part in activities that move us towards a state when oscillation problems are rare, understood, and readily managed.
Participation in ESIG and G-PST can be an excellent avenue for interested stakeholders to engage in understanding and finding solutions to oscillation management. Researchers and technical individuals responsible for risk management will benefit from participation in ESIG technical working groups – including the Stability Task Force of the Reliability Working Group. Participation in ESIG and G-PST workshops can help connect grid operators, asset owners, and system decision makers to relevant experience, best practices, and institutional policies that mitigate these risks.
?If you are ready to get started, explore the G-PST resource library’s existing webinars and trainings on system stability .
owner of Optimetron ? we have the solution
2 个月We should learn to leave nature alone by having production and consumption sites in the same place (e.g. cities, industrial areas and buildings). In this way, the double destruction of nature and urban areas can be avoided and much less energy transport will be needed. In addition, following our solution will help make the world more peaceful. It is well known that most wars are fought over resources.
Retired Hematologist (Scripps Clinic and Scripps Green Hospital)
3 个月Hi Nick, I enjoyed reading your article about what happens to oscillations in power systems when "inverter-based resources" become dominant. Until I read your article, I had no idea that the solar photo-voltaic electricity generators on my roof were "inverter-based resources." Do you have a good everyday life analogy to help me understand the difference between a synchronous generator and an asynchronous generator? Bill ??
Headline goes here
3 个月This is an interesting problem. I imagine it's going to be more of a problem as time goes on.
Teaching, writing and consulting for renewables interconnection to transmission and distribution
3 个月Thanks for making it simple Nick!
Principal Engineer
3 个月Bergen Kane something you might be interested in, and certainly more clear than my white boarding skills.