From the mouths of babes...
Nigel Botterill
UK's Top Business Growth Expert | CEO of Entrepreneurs Circle | Sunday Times Best Place To Work 2024 | Amazon & Sunday Times Best-Selling Author
Young people today are much maligned.
It was probably always thus - each generation believing that in some way their youngsters are not as polite/hard working/respectful, or that they're more promiscuous or that their music is somehow not as good as ours.
Of course, none of it's true. It's just that we're getting old.
My daughter, Tabitha has just done her A-Levels. EC member Richard Dixon is in a similar situation with his own son and Richard sent me copies of three tweets that he'd seen from a 'wise-beyond-his-years' boy in the same Sixth Form.
The tweets relate to the looming exams.
"People complaining about their lives being determined by some letters on a piece of paper are too stupid to take control of their lives."
"Blaming it on being lucky/unlucky is just you being lazy. If you wanted it you’d put the work in. Don’t sit there crying if you don’t do that."
"If you find yourself unwilling to put the work in then you have to step back and ask if that’s what you really want to be working towards."
As Richard says "...pretty deep thinking for an 18 year old."
I agree.
And what he says is exactly right, of course.
Now, if a lad of his age can think in such a way, why do so many others, with so many more years experience, struggle to do the same?
I'd employ this kid in a heartbeat. He gets it.
If he owned a business he'd know, for sure, that whatever happened to that business, whether it made him a millionaire, a bankrupt or somewhere in between, was his responsibility.
His fault.
No-one else's.
He knows that "If it's to be, it's up to me."
And you know it too.
Big difference though between knowing something and doing it!
Probably more fruitful and useful for you to reflect on that this afternoon rather than worrying about the youth of today.
Of course, it might make you uncomfortable...
Have a great week,
P.S - Last week we started to upload some of our best content to the EC YouTube Channel (it's been a 'best-kept secret' for a while now!).
You can take a look at them HERE.
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