? From meh to mesmerizing
Natalia Kobylkina
Psychologist, Life Coach, Business Owner | Teacher in Psychology
?My darlings,
“The best accessory a woman can wear is her confidence.”
If that’s the case, I wondered, why do so many women under-accessorize? Why is material ostentatiousness necessary and soulful abundance--neglected? Do we splurge on bags and wear crazy clothes just so we can compensate for the lack of the most important accessory known to women--our self-confidence?
You see… I see no practical difference between self-confidence and self-worth. Further, if confidence is an accessory, then self-worth is a wardrobe staple.
It’s something we must have at all times. It’s something that must become our trademark.
Classy women are women who recognise their self-worth. They are confident in themselves--not just as professionals, but as individuals, as women.
It is this confidence of theirs that enables them to thrive in their personal and professional relationships. Without it… they’d be just ordinary--and easily forgettable.
It’s up to you whether you want to be a meh woman or a mesmerizing lady. It’s up to your if you wish to discover your self-worth and communicate it to the world.
It’s up to you if you wish to live by your rules, by your standards, or by somebody else’s.
As a woman, you were born to discover your worth and set your value. Don’t procrastinate any further.
Welcome to my upcoming program:
?DISCOVER YOUR SELF-WORTH!?Seize this chance to finally establish that strong sense of self-worth and glow with confidence!
You can join this masterclass for?only $49!
In the meantime, I’d like to remind you my spooky Halloween sale is still on! You can choose from four categories of courses.
You can either purchase any individual program or grab a program bundle for just a fraction of the price! The only danger is changing your life for the better & saving too much money!
Don’t miss this chance, boo-tiful! Enjoy your Halloween transformation at up to?-70% OFF!
Spook yourself to transformation?HERE!
Natalia Kobylkina