From "Me" to "We"

From "Me" to "We"

The Power of 2 Minutes - Daily Motivation #267 (9th March 2024)

We often encounter two terms that sound similar but hold vastly different meanings: enabling and helping. Enabling someone involves fostering dependence by doing things for them. Helping, on the other hand, is about providing support and resources to empower individuals to achieve their full potential.

Throughout my interactions with family, friends, colleagues, and even clients, I've come across a recurring belief: "Helping others is a thankless job." People often feel cheated after extending a helping hand and not receiving reciprocation. However, I believe both perspectives – expecting something in return and viewing helping as thankless – are flawed.

The true essence of helping lies in offering assistance without expecting anything back. Your reward lies in the act of giving itself. When you genuinely support someone, it fosters a sense of fulfillment and growth.

Recently, someone suggested I publish my own book. While I appreciate the encouragement, I find immense joy in the current process. The knowledge that my writing benefits others brings me immense satisfaction, even without an explicit "thank you." Helping isn't about external validation; it's about the internal satisfaction of making a positive impact.

When someone asked about finding inner peace, I recommended volunteering with no expectation of return. Helping others not only serves them but also allows you to grow as a person. Volunteering often puts you in situations that develop valuable skills like:

  • Leadership: Taking initiative and guiding others.
  • Communication: Effectively conveying ideas across different levels, from senior leaders to volunteers.
  • Resilience: Handling criticism constructively.
  • Focus and Dedication: Being attentive, punctual, and fully committed to the cause.

The ability to overcome the "thankless job" mentality and navigate potential criticism is crucial. Remember, volunteering isn't about seeking gratitude; it's about making a difference and becoming a role model for others.

Think of successful leaders in politics or business. A common thread among them is their commitment to giving back – through time, experience, or financial resources. Helping others is a cornerstone of personal growth and leadership development.

Extending a helping hand encompasses everyday situations as well. Holding the door for someone, offering a listening ear, or simply sharing a kind word can all have a ripple effect.

Helping breaks down barriers, fosters connection, and strengthens communities. By cultivating a helping mindset, we can create a more positive and supportive world.

#HelpingOthers #BreakingTheCycle #Volunteerism #LeadershipDevelopment #PersonalGrowth #NoExpectation #CommunityBuilding #OvercomingParalysis

Note: This daily newsletter reflects my personal views, with the sole intention of helping each other grow and focus, not to insult or demean anyone. I'm always happy to discuss and hear your perspectives!

Vimal Kumar Rai

Executive Educator, Inspiring Leadership and Driving Exceptional Customer Experience for ambitious Enterprises | Founder: Commercial Excellence Partners | Speaker | Travel-Tech ?

8 个月

Prashant Kumar wow. I’ve always used the terms exactly in the opposite sense to what you’ve described. For me and based on what I’ve seen people do, “helping” ends up becoming the “actual doing” on behalf of the other person. Why? Because most of us find it difficult to spend time to teach and guide, and so we just “do it” (more efficient). “Enabling” for me has always been about the guiding and coaching. Teaching them to fish, basically. That said, your points are valid! And I agree wholeheartedly:)

Shoba Chandran

Strategic Planning & Retreats Facilitation | Leadership Development | Innovation Consulting

8 个月

Love the distinction between enabling and helping. You also raise interesting points: when we help someone and implictly (or explictly) expect a return, are we really helping?


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