From Less Good to Maximum Success: Turning your Goals Around

From Less Good to Maximum Success: Turning your Goals Around

Our goals differ based on individual interests and the level of achievement we dream of.

But do you know that you can strive for greater goals if you change the way you define success. When you learn this art, you change the outcome from less good to maximum success.

The author of this article presents a lesson on how to turn your goals into more powerful ones that bring revolutionary changes when you achieve them.

The Reality of False Beliefs

Growing up in a society, we develop beliefs and set of values that reflect societal norms and the environment around us.

While keeping your beliefs is totally fine, the problem is created when we are faced with the truth of a situation. Some of us will continue to stick to false beliefs despite knowing the facts.

The idea of false beliefs can be explained with the famous real-world phenomena:

“You fail to explain simple ideas to an intelligent person if they believe they know better, and you can successfully explain a highly complex idea to the most slow-witted person if they have not formed an idea of them already”.

The question is very valid:?Why is it that people don’t understand and accept facts? Why do some of us are content with less good, not accepting that facts can improve the outcome. Read more in the full article.


