From Iran Daily Summary

From Iran Daily Summary

In today’s Daily Summary:

  • From Pulpit: Obsession with Stability vs. Essence of Projection: When a nation-state constantly and habitually projects all internal and external problems onto the “enemy,” the cunning associated with the occasional projection may morph into a cry-wolf syndrome and produce the opposite result: incredulity and instability.
  • Regime on Edge as IAEA Chief Visits Tehran and New Sanctions Loom: Iranian international affairs analysts hope IAEA Director-General Rafael Grossi will find Iran in enrichment compliance on his visit, helping to resolve disagreements and leading to JCPoA revival. The visit comes on the eve of the IAEA Board of Governors meeting, prompting regime fears of a new round of sanctions if Iran is found in violation of enrichment limits.
  • Internet Charity Begins at Home: A scheme to exempt foreign visitors from the Internet restrictions to which Iranian citizens are subjected is leading to resentment among analysts, who see little difference between this proposal and the “capitulation bill” that Ruhollah Khomeini denounced loudly in the 1960s.
  • Nezam Once Again Blames ‘Enemies’ for Poisoning Mystery: In an attempt to come up with answers that satisfy the public about the poisoning of school girls, hardline supporters of the Nezam are blaming “enemies,” but a number of reformists are pointing out that people no longer buy the routine shifting of blame that the Nezam engages in.

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