From Insecurity ?? to Appreciation ??
Martin Schoendorfer
Certified Life Coach | Helping successful corporate individuals to embrace reinvention, harness their strengths and pursue a self-led, impactful life.
For a very, very long time I've been doubting myself, and as you might know by now, I’m all about vulnerability so that's why I want to put it out there and share, that in a lot of situations I'm still very insecure. Many, many times, even though I get the feedback from other people and the positive impact that I have on their lives, within myself I'm insecure about that. And receiving feedback recently from a client, with whom I've been working with for a few weeks - she said that the work that she's done with me so far has had a more positive impact and has gotten her further than years and years of therapy and other coaching that she has done. I had goosebumps and I was blushing. I was like, ‘Oh my God…this is… wow. Incredible.’. When I came home I was still thinking about that and it just stuck with me.?
That reminded me of a habit that I used to have. And that is in the evening before I go to bed, I would take out like a little diary and just note down a few things that I'm really proud of that day And just being in that appreciation of having been there and done that thing or feeling the appreciation of the fact of being human, being alive - that's what I wanted to share with you because I’m quite certain you also, at times, feel insecure about what you're doing and the impact that you might have in your own life or on other people's lives.?
Sometimes we don't receive immediate feedback. Sometimes people don't tell us ‘Thank you for what you've done for me!’. Sometimes it's in silence and people don't share it. It's simple things like sharing a smile when we walk down the street. Smiling at someone or helping someone with carrying something - it's that appreciation that other people have just by looking into your eyes and feeling that connection.
And if we give other people kindness, we are also going to receive kindness - that’s a law of the universe. I believe that if we really appreciate things that are happening and look for the good in things and in people, then more and more good things are going to happen and we're going to feel better. And if we feel better, we can make other people feel better. If other people feel better, they can make other people feel better. So it's like a positive spiral. It's growing and growing - It's like dropping a stone in the water -? the point of impact itself, it might just be very small, but the waves travel quite far. And the waves you make, can travel quite far as well and reach people you haven’t even met in this physical realm.?
So I would really urge you to first of all, share kindness, share little things with people like a smile, look at them in appreciation, give them a compliment, call a friend, text them and say ‘Hey, I just thought of you, sending you hugs, sending you love.???’
And in the evening, write down what you're grateful for, what you appreciate about yourself,? and end the day with positivity. ??
??What you can also do, is a few days later or a few months later if you don't feel well or if you're insecure insecure about yourself or you're doubting yourself, you can take that notebook and read what you appreciated or what you were proud of on a different day and remind yourself of the amazing person that you are.?
So take that with you. You are amazing. You are worthy to live this life in the most beautiful way possible.?
Sending you lots of love I wish you have a wonderful evening or day depending on where you are in this world. ?????