From Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0
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Y?netim Dan??man? ve E?itmen| Tedarik Zinciri Y?netimi, Maliyet Optimizasyonu ve H?zda Mükemmellik
Early humans focused on satisfying hunger, the basic need of humanity. Therefore, hunting was at the center of their lives. While men hunted in the wild to bring food to the tribe, women tried to create the first homes in caves. They lived in small groups. Their first needs were fire, food and cutting tools. As they transitioned from a hunting society to a farming society, they needed wheels to work the land and sell their produce. I think the first foundation of the industry was laid with wheels.
The first step of the journey from the agricultural society to the industrial society was again with the steam engine, which enabled the wheel to turn faster. With the rapid flow of life in the industrial society and the transformation of companies into corporate businesses, the need to communicate with each other has emerged. The necessity of communication has added the informatics sector to our lives. The first computers were made of cards with holes in them. In the transition from the industrial age to the information age, the computer industry provided the production sector with computers with fast working memory to facilitate information sharing, as well as software to facilitate workflow. Yes, while the information industry is developing rapidly, the internet of things has opened the door for people to communicate with each other regardless of whether they are living things or objects. Now, the issues of profitability, efficient working, and using the world's resources in the best way have become the task of not only the human brain, but also of the artificial intelligence working to increase quality of life and comfort for humans.
Technology is advancing rapidly. We are naturally afraid because we cannot foresee how this speed will change our lives. Will robots take over the world? We will not live in a dystopian future. Society 5.0 tells us that technology exists to improve human life and make the world more livable. Yes, our social dynamics will change, this is inevitable. However, technology is not the only reason; the new generation is always smarter and has different expectations from social life. Society 5.0 will be formed by the Generation Z and their easy-to-use and ready-to-use technologies. As X and Y generations, we need to adapt to this.?
Technologies that continue to develop in our lives exist and will continue to exist because they fill a gap in social life. Society 5.0 is very different from the social changes we have experienced so far. Technology no longer just makes our lives better; it just doesn't meet our needs. Some of the new technologies that come into our lives with Society 5.0 will meet our emotional needs. Artificial intelligence,?cobots, metaverse are just a few of them. Here our brain is playing tricks on us. Our brain chooses the virtual world to live the imagination that feeds all its cycles without limits. Our physical boundaries slowly began to disappear. We are about to have a virtual world that can enable the thoughts that flow rapidly in our brains to flow into physical life at the same speed.
Generation Z is more respectful to the world than we were. Environmental activist Greta Thunberg shows us how important the environment is to Generation Z. They will use technology for a healthier environment and force us to treat the environment better; reduce carbon emissions, reduce carbon footprint, keep water clean, protect oceans. All living things have the right to live. The most important feature of humans is?creativity?and we should use it to protect the world for all living things and the environment.