"From Ignorance to Insight: Attracting Allies and Repelling Opponents"
Krishonda Torres, M.Ed., INHC, LFP
Health & Wealth Educator for Christian women over 40 who want to reduce sugar, restore gut, rejuvenate hormones and Families learn the language of money.
For 20 years, I proudly served in the military, a place where politics and religion were topics we simply didn’t discuss. It wasn’t until year 16 of my service that I began to experience a political awakening. Before that, I was blissfully ignorant, believing that voting for whoever promised the biggest pay raise was the way to go.
Despite being a registered Republican, I never voted a straight Republican ticket. I voted for George Bush, Bill Clinton, and even Barack Obama—twice.????♀?
My awakening began in 2013 while working in the resource management office. I started to understand that Presidents didn’t determine our pay raises; it was the budget and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). I learned about the Continuing Resolution Authority (CRA), the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) budget, and other financial intricacies that truly impacted our lives.
In my role at the wing readiness level, we had to keep the news on for planning purposes. CNN was our channel of choice, and I noticed a shift from news reporting to bashing Donald Trump. This shift made me question the media’s role and the policies affecting our military. I saw firsthand how the military was being decimated by policies put in place during the Obama administration. The military is not meant to mirror the civilian sector; we undergo rigorous training to embody the core values needed to serve our country.
In 2016, my awakening deepened with the introduction of the transgender agenda in the military. As a health benefits advisor, I had to brief an airman who needed a tummy tuck after having a big baby. This experience highlighted how, in the military, our bodies are not our own. We need approval for things civilians take for granted, like tattoos or medical procedures. Our actions can have serious consequences under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
To make a long story short, that airman was denied the tummy tuck because it was ruled an elective procedure, which meant she would have to pay $11,000 out of pocket. Meanwhile, a confused young man who believed he was a girl could wander into a health benefits office and begin to ask questions about the transgender agenda, getting prescriptions, and transitioning to that lifestyle while on active duty—all of which would be covered. It was very hard to take and swallow.
My journey from ignorance to awareness has been eye-opening. It has made me realize the importance of understanding the policies that govern our lives and the impact they have on our military and our nation.
Voting for a president is not about who you like better, who talks nicer, or who says things you like to hear or whose "down with the crowd". This is not a popularity contest. It’s about policies over personality.
Understanding that it’s about policies and not personalities has kept me on the road of right ideas.Even if it means being labeled an "Uncle Tom", which only highlights the ignorance we’re dealing with in this nation. If you’ve actually read Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” you would know that Uncle Tom is the hero, not the villain. So, I’m okay with being labeled an Uncle Tom.
I’m okay with and sleep well at night with any name people want to call me because I understand historical context, the value of being a critical thinker, and I love to research and read FOR MYSELF.
I don’t subscribe to or bend the knee to delusional “group think” or “identity politics” (because we share the same skin color I am a member of your club or gang/gang). Truth be told, if I have to think like you think, act like you act, behave like you behave to be accepted. I do NOT want to be a member of your club/gang. In the words of Ice Cube ???????? your club.????♀?
By the way this is INTERNALIZED RACISM (where individuals within the "community" adopt and perpetuate negative stereotypes and biases against their own race.
The first Bible I ever read was my grandmother- Julia, and the book of Julia, chapter 30, verse 12 says, “it doesn’t matter what they call you Baby,. It only matters what you answer to.” That’s what this whole experience has taught me. I hope this gives you a little insight into why I will continue to choose red lipstick?? and right???? ideas.