From Homeless to Grad School!
A friend of mine, Gina Castillo, started up a gofundme page so that she may finish her education. Seven years ago, she was homeless and had only an eighth grade education. She did not have any idea where her children were as they had been taken in Mexico, and she was dealing with the consequence of years of untreated trauma.
She has made a home here in Oregon with her twin boys who are now 9 and she will be leaving her friends behind and moving to Pullman, Washington to attend grad school, yes she is going to grad school as a single Mom!
The donations she receives will be used to help her rent a U-Haul, pay for gas, deposits on a new place, and other moving expenses. I know that she would be so very, very grateful for any help that you might be able to donate. She and her boys will be leaving July 15th, 2016.
She has included much more information on her gofundme site and I have the link below.
Thank you in advance for whatever you might be able to give to her.