From the Headteacher - 7 February
Ofsted Consultation
You may be aware from news reports earlier in the week that Ofsted has launched an open consultation on changes to the way in which it inspects schools. They are asking parents, carers, professionals and students what they think about their proposals, which centre around a new ‘report card’ system. If you would like to find out more and respond to the consultation, please click the link below.
Visiting Speakers
On behalf of Mrs Garcia (Assistant Headteacher), we would like to thank the High Sheriff of Gloucestershire (and former Managing Editor of BBC Radio Gloucestershire), Mark Hurrell, and serving Magistrate Julia Hurrell for visiting the School and speaking with Sixth Form students about their careers in media and the law. The discussion was thought provoking and engaging, and included a number of challenging case studies for students to review the work and complex decision making of a Magistrate.
Sincere thanks also go to representatives from the Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service, who also spoke to Year 12 students this week as part of our Enrichment programme. The team gave a carefully delivered presentation designed to deepen students’ understanding of the risks face by young learner drivers or newly qualified drivers.
Safer Internet Day
As you may be aware, Safer Internet Day takes place on Tuesday 11 February; students have been taking part in a range of tutor time activities and assemblies based on this year’s theme: Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online. The initiative is led by the UK Safer Internet Centre, a collaboration between Childnet International, the Internet Watch Foundation, and South West Grid for Learning. We hope that this will help to promote online safety to our students and raise awareness of important related issues regarding online activity.
GCSE Poetry Live
On Wednesday the staff of the English Department took the entire Year 11 cohort to GCSE Poetry Live! at the Bath Forum. It was a great opportunity for students to hear the Poet Laureate, Simon Armitage, and former Poet Laureate, Carol Ann Duffy read their work from the AQA Poetry Anthology. The trip also included talks from GCSE examiners who gave insightful tips for preparing for the summer examination.
French Exchange
This week, we had the pleasure of welcoming staff and students of Lycée Sainte-Marie from Cholet in Anjou for the STRS leg of the French Exchange. The lineup of activities included a visit to the Mayor of Gloucester, a trip to Bristol and the SS Great Britain, and a barn dance in the School hall. A huge thank you to the host families in Years 10 and 12 and our MFL department for making the exchange possible, with a special mention of thanks to Mrs Griffiths for organising and co-ordinating such a fantastic experience for our students.
Sixth Form Open Evening
High praise indeed goes to our Sixth Form students who supported our Open Evening last week, including setting up the event, guiding visitors and answer questions from prospective students and parents. I received an enormous amount of positive feedback about their willingness to help, good humour and ability to speak in depth about their experiences of studying at the School. The event showed the huge popularity of our Sixth Form from across Gloucester and the county, and we are very grateful for the interest shown in our school.
Parking for School events and fixtures
The exceptionally large number of visitors to our Sixth Form Open Evening this year has led to a further review of how we welcome and manage visitor parking at the School. It goes without saying that the relationship we have with our local neighbours is extremely important to us and, despite parking on our site being limited at times, we wish to do all we can as a school community to ease the impact of school events on our neighbourhood.
Whilst routine school events will not see anywhere near the number of visitors to the School as an Open Evening, I would just to remind all parents that we have plenty of parking available on the School tennis courts for events such as parents’ evenings, weekend fixtures and the school production next week. Detailed maps for parking will be published for each event; we really appreciate you parking on the School site for such after-school events, as well as parking with due consideration of our neighbours should you be dropping off or collecting your son or daughter.
We Will Rock You
There are still a few tickets left for We Will Rock You, being performed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night next week at 6.00pm in the main hall; it certainly promises to be an excellent performance. As mentioned above, please do park on the tennis courts, with entry via Gate 1.
Cricket Festival for Local Primary Schools
We were delighted to host over 150 Gloucester school children from Years 4-6 this week for an indoor cricket festival, run by Gloucestershire Cricket and supported by our Year 10 GCSE students. We welcomed pupils from 10 local primary schools including Longlevens, Elmbridge and Coney Hill. It is one of a number of sporting events we facilitate throughout the year for local primaries, having already hosted a swimming gala, and we are planning another cricket event and a Year 4 football tournament in the summer.
Our Netball players put in an outstanding performance at the South West Regional Schools Tournament on Saturday, finishing 5th out of 14 highly competitive teams. The team delivered an impressive display, securing 4 wins and 2 losses, earning third place in their group, and narrowly missing out on a spot in the semi-finals. A huge well done to all the players who have done themselves and the School immensely proud. Of course, a special mention of thanks must go to Mrs Lynn and Mrs Brown for their guidance and support, as well as to the PTFA for funding the new netball kit, which was made possible through their generous grant.
This week, the 1st V Basketball team achieved an historic win in the U19 Dynamik School’s National Cup. After an unbeaten pool stage, the team knocked out a strong and well coached Hayward’s Heath Sixth Form side; the team will now advance to the last 16 in the country. Well done to all the players, along with coaches Mr Raddon and Mr Hinds on this incredible achievement.
Year 13 Trial Examinations
The Year 13 trial examinations start after half term; it goes without saying that preparing effectively for these mocks will ensure that teacher feedback can be more effectively targeted at specific topic areas or examination skills. While using the half term break to revise, it is important to plan in breaks and activities to break up longer periods of revision. We always point out that alongside a students’ preferred revision strategies, the most useful form of preparation for any examination is putting their knowledge to the test with the available past papers and mark schemes for each subject. I wish Year 13 all the very best for their mock examinations.
Half Term Dates
Finally, a reminder that we finish for the half-term holiday on Friday 14 February, at the usual time of 3.20pm; term restarts on Monday 24 February. Our Key Stage teams will send a further email update to parents before the end of next week, leaving me to say that I hope you have an enjoyable half-term break when it arrives.
With best wishes for a relaxing weekend
Matthew Lynch