From the Ground UP; Concepts..
Jim Swanner
Owner at K-I-N Stables Host of 'All About Horses' radio Writer/Speaker/Teacher/Instructor
From the Ground Up; Concepts…
We're talking about horses..
Why is ground training with our horses so important? From the ground first is where the foundation is built. We build a foundation that will last a lifetime. This cannot be done in a short period of time if it is to be solid. Without the solid correct foundation all will be lost in the long term. We must take the time to go slow in the early stages of teaching our horse from the ground. But, first, we must know what to do and where to begin.
Teaching from the ground is one of the most misunderstood elements of handling horses. People often ask, why do I need to do all this stuff, all I want to do is ride? I don’t have time for all that stuff. My answer oftentimes is; You have time to be in the hospital?
Teaching from the ground up is not only an effective, but necessary tool that the competent horseman applies to keep their horse tuned up and operating properly.
Teaching from the ground develops a communication system between handler and horse. This is a necessary element. We must be able to communicate with our horses. This communication helps each animal be able to read the other’s intentions, directions and emotions. It’s usually not enough for the rider or the handler to dictate to the horse unless they’re going to be satisfied with the most menial result. Communication can be developed from the ground where both the horse and the handler can most effectively see and relate to each other. It’s a bond, trust and conversation. You ever had a meaningful conversation with your horse, no, you should try it. You may be surprised.
Just about everything a horse is going to do under saddle involves yielding to pressure. Whether it's responding to leg pressure or rein contact, a responsive horse is moving in response to the rider's pressure. You want a light handling horse? Establish the proper response to pressure on the ground where you have the greatest control in the learning environment, then apply those principles in the saddle.
To learn these concepts and to begin having a conversation with your horse, contact me using the information on this page. You will be thrilled with the results and so will your horse.