From Graduation to Innovation: Exciting Projects Ahead

From Graduation to Innovation: Exciting Projects Ahead

As many of us enjoy a well-deserved summer holiday, our thoughts often return to the recent graduation ceremony—a truly emotional and unforgettable event. Celebrating the hard work and achievements of our graduates was a definitely highlight, marking a significant milestone for everyone involved. We’re also eagerly looking forward to launching and continuing innovative projects such as our digitalization project together with byte – Bayerische Agentur für Digitales , which will show first results in the fall.

Our Highlight

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Upcoming Opportunities

Community Management/Wissenschaftskommunikation & O?ffentlichkeitsarbeit

Der Lehrstuhl für Public Policy, Governance and Innovative Technology sucht für das Quantum Social Lab der Technischen Universit?t München zum n?chstm?glichen Zeitpunkt eine:n studentische:n Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d) zur Unterstützung in den Bereichen: Community Management / Wissenschaftskommunikation & O?ffentlichkeitsarbeit. Read more.

Community & Outreach Managerin / Community & Outreach Manager (m/w/d)

Der TUM Think Tank an der Hochschule für Politik München sucht zum n?chstm?glichen Zeitpunkt eine oder einen Community & Outreach Managerin / Community & Outreach Manager (m/w/d). Die Stelle ist auf zun?chst zwei Jahre befristet und in Teil- oder Vollzeit (75% - 100%) zu besetzen. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 23.08.2024. Read more.

Our recent activities

Media Influence in Post-Conflict Societies: A Case Study from Nepal

PUBLICATION Can media leave a lasting imprint on a nation's path to peace? A new study reveals how exposure to anti-government radio can shape attitudes towards peace and institutions in post-conflict societies, even years after broadcasts have ended. Read more.

How foreign direct investment influences political support in autocracies

PUBLICATION What impact does economic globalization have on the support of autocratic regimes? A new study analyzes survey data from multiple autocracies and reveals that foreign direct investments (FDI) affect political preferences in diverse ways. Read more.

The HfP administration is moving towards a digital future

PROJECTS The HfP administration is seizing the opportunity of digital transformation, teaming up with byte Digitalschmiede for a new project. The goal: enhancing services while easing the workload for employees. Read more.

heute journal | Nuclear waste repository only in 50 years? | Prof. Miranda Schreurs

IN THE MEDIA For years, a repository for highly radioactive nuclear waste has been sought in Germany. Now, according to a study, it could take even longer to finalize a location—until 2074. Watch video [GER].

SPIEGEL | The search for a nuclear waste repository could be delayed by four decades | Prof. Miranda Schreuers

IN THE MEDIA By 2031, Germany must find a site for its nuclear waste repository. However, a document that was initially kept under wraps indicates that the search will likely take much longer. The authorities are responding with a shrug. Read more.

M – MENSCHEN MACHEN MEDIEN (VERDI.DI) | Study on the impact of Russian social media campaigns | Prof. Yannis Theocharis, Dr. Jan Zilinsky amp; Dr. Franziska Pradel

IN THE MEDIA How impressionable are we really? A TUM study shows that Russian propaganda about the war in Ukraine has little success on social media. The decisive factor is whether people are generally susceptible to conspiracy theories. Read more[GER].

RND | Lies, Deception, and Incitement – How Radical is the Wagenknecht Party in Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic? | Prof. Simon Hegelich

IN THE MEDIA The handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has so far played a subtle role in Sahra Wagenknecht’s new party. This is changing now. BSW health expert Pürner is calling for COVID-19 investigation committees and wants to collaborate with the AfD to achieve this. Read more [GER].

Prof. Urs Gasser Confirmed as HfP Rector

UNIVERSITY POLITICS Urs Gasser has accepted his reappointment as the Rector of the Munich School of Politics and Public Policy (HfP). The HfP advisory board reelected him on June 17, 2024. Gasser will continue his successful tenure, leading and representing the HfP. Read more.

News from our Network

PhD-Candidate at HfP Luise Koch about her project on online mysogyny presented at #ISRA 2024 World Meeting. Read more.

Dr. Philipp S. Mueller gives insights into his new paper on Digital Sovereignty and Soft Power co-authored by PdD candidate at HfP Sofie Sch?nborn . Read more.

Bavaria becomes member of GovTech Campus Deutschland . Read more [GER].


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