From Frustration to Efficiency: The Rise of SAP IT Automation
Rick Porter
SAP IT automation software specialist; Helping SAP teams serve business better through automation
Before SAP Solution Manager became a thing, IT automation solutions were around for SAP support teams. Spurred on by dissatisfaction with the native SAP tools available, innovative consultants and developers created various automation tools for their own and customer use. Third-party vendors developed needed but unknown automation solutions before SAP developed their native solutions.
The number, type, and popularity of SAP IT automation software tools and solutions have expanded within SAP Solution Manager and from third-party software vendors.
Automation opportunities
The kinds of solutions available mean that almost any repetitive manual SAP support task can be automated. These include tasks fitting within any of the following categories.
Where to start
A good place to start is by looking at repetitive tasks yet to be automated to find out where the best automation efficiencies are to be found.
For example:
The answers to these questions will quickly highlight opportunities for automating a task or series of tasks. Then it’s a matter of finding a solution to do it for you.
Final word
There are so many automation solutions available manual IT tasks should be a thing of the past. However, time and headspace to investigate, implement, and get used to automation are often in short supply. The good news is most third-party solutions are simple to install, quick to deploy, and easy to use.
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