From Free Mastermind To Lucrative Transformation
Shaan Rais
Founder of Leadership Leverage Institute | Luxury Personal Branding for Preeminent Leaders | Impact, Income, Independence
When you see the word “free,” what does it do to your mind, body, and spirit?
No, seriously! You see the word “free” and you instantly think, “Hm… why not?”
Your inner voice is playing out all the positives like:
Then, you get to one of the most valuable assets any one individual has at their disposal: time.
That’s the only real decision you have to make. Am I going to give up whatever amount of time it takes to plug in my email address, fill out this application, or register to attend the event?
So, what am I getting at with this?
I was well into my professional career when I decided to attend a free mastermind that presented itself as having a value proposition I wanted to learn more about. To say the least, I was intrigued and I rarely pass up the opportunity to learn.
Little did I know that trusting my instincts to attend the free mastermind would lead to a lucrative relationship opportunity within my personal brand.
Spoiler alert: You can do the same thing!
All it requires is for you to think of time as an open concept.
What does that mean?
Forget Work-Life Balance. Try Work-Life Integration.
As a high-ranking professional, you are constantly striving for that perfect work-life balance that everyone’s been talking about.
Newsflash: It doesn’t exist!
What you really want is to have the luxury of spending your time the way you please and with whom you please. You’ve worked tirelessly for years to get where you are in your organization, but what’s next? There has got to be something more for you and the people you want to serve.
Here, we are all about work-life integration because that’s where the magic happens. This is the sweet spot that allows you to finally feel at home while still fulfilling your life’s work through your own personal brand.
Yes, you have a high-level education, years of experience, and unmatched expertise in your field. But burnout is just about to rear its ugly head and you can feel it creeping up in your soul.
I don’t want that for you and I know you don’t want that for you.
You need to make a promise to yourself that today is going to be the day that you finally stop chasing work-life balance. Now is the time to take action steps that lead you to the optimal position where your passion can flourish and impact – work-life integration.
The place to start, become a leader.
I Spoke and They Followed
I remember feeling called to attend a mastermind event in the recent past. It just so happens that this mastermind was free of charge. Remember that, because it’s important to this story.
During the event, the speaker recognized my face (yes, in a sea of people he noticed me – that’s the power of personal branding) and asked me to come on stage and speak. I love to speak so I had no problem getting on stage with nothing prepared but the knowledge in my mind and the confidence in my heart.
With just that speech, someone in the crowd felt compelled to write my name down, google me, and binge-watch my content. Because he saw so much value in the information I was spreading to the world, he came to the Leadership Live Deep Dive @ 5 and spent money to elevate his company.
I decided to trade some of my time for valuable information and it lead to so much more. Within this free mastermind, I positioned myself to make a new connection; an organic one might I add. The kicker is, I was only able to do that because that specific individual was able to quickly:
Do you see that initial bullet of information on the list above? None of the other action items would’ve been possible for them if I didn’t have a platform for them to research
You know the truth now, so what’s stopping you from making this happen for yourself?
Speaking Of Free Events… Join Us Every Saturday At 5 p.m. (EST)
I am going to give you an opportunity right now, to make good on your word and take action.
Leadership Live Deep Dive @ 5 is a free, private training for professionals who want to go from an organizational professional to an entrepreneurial powerhouse. We cover topics like branding, leadership, professionalism, and so much more.
You may be stuck on the “where do I get started?” piece of this entire process. The Leadership Live Deep Dive @ 5 is going to give you every tool necessary to become a leader in your space.
When you break out, you need to present yourself as the best of the best because that’s who you are. Believe it. You have the education, experience, and expertise necessary to create a personal brand that completely shifts the tide in your industry.
There is no more room in your life for excuses. Your path to more is right here.
This is where you get your questions answered, your ambition sparked, and your deepest desires realized.
I’ll see you this Saturday @ 5 p.m. (EST).