MOMtrepreneurs Founder: From Fleeing Domestic Violence to SBA Awarded Web Tech Inventor Entrepreneur to Wellness Advocate
Angelina Musik
Wellness by Choice | Business Women News | Entrepreneurship & Marketing Coaching & Retreats | SBA Awarded Web Techpreneur
My web tech journey started in 1996, and in secret from a sociopathic husband I'd eventually escape from three years after having just produced my first and only Christian Pop Album.
In 1999, I fled this domestic violent situation with my two kids from money earned and saved through my home cleaning and organizing business. Lived out of a hotel and car while navigating a situation I never could have imagined being in when I married at 20 years old.
This is how Entrepreneurship funded from me and my kids from trauma, and into a new life.
While hacking a website I was teaching myself programming through, unknown to me, is how I'd meet Daniel. We were both reverse engineering to learn through a deconstructive process.
Little did I know he'd eventually become my best friend, business partner, and husband in life.
When the San Antonio DA informed me that 'protective orders' are not worth the paper they are printed on she agreed that I'd be safest if I left the state so Daniel connected me with the YWCA in WA State to help me and my kids.
One of the scariest moments on the drive up from Texas to WA State, was driving through the steep Colorado mountains in my 5-speed Mazda unaware that down shifting existed. AHH!?!%.
June 1st, 1999 - My kids and I would roll into a new hiding place in downtown, Tacoma, WA. It was a historic building converted into an office. The storage room space is where we'd sleep.
I met with the YWCA staff attorney. Filled out paperwork to get into the WA State WorkForce program. Instead of their traditional work training program, I persuaded this WorkForce office to fund me to continue teaching myself programming for the next nine months.
It's under these crazy circumstances, Daniel and I founded our web tech, media and marketing company with a sense of duty to serve and protect small businesses, and grow them.
Again, this is in 1999 - when building a website was expensive, took months and required a client to pay ongoing web master fees for any change they needed to have done.
A highly ineffective approach in the industry back then, and for about a decade after.
I was motivated to change this because I was unable to personally update my own music ministry website robbing me of the joy of this creative process.
That annoyance would spark the invention of our BATs (Browser Administrable Tools) while simultaneously we asked to design one of the first versions of the UPS tracking system.
Back in 1999, a website was expensive and took several months to hand code to completion.
Our BATs reduce the duration, cost of production and eliminated web master fees while increasing value to our clients by enabling them to add pages and change content on the fly.
Clients saved money updating their own websites without web masters fees!
This was financial freedom for clients and time freedom for Daniel and I as we navigated
We briefly did corporate gig as we hired as the street smart odd couple serving Starbucks, Panera Bread, Jack in the Box, etc.. and then walked away to help small business owners better compete against their larger cohorts to increase their success rate in business.
We'd move back to San Antonio Texas in 2000.
I'd reboot MOMtrepreneurs, originally founded in 1990 to teach moms how to make money around raising their kids, and as a media company produce business networking events to film small business owners to market them to a bigger audience through my radio and TV shows.
As a concierge web tech company, we specialized in niche market website makeovers and local market domination:
> least amount of cost
> fastest turnaround
> largest market coverage
Clients stayed with us an average of 10-20 years. Our oldest client has been with us for 27 years who, at 86, just retired his 15,000 classic auto parts website in 2023.
In 2014, we stopped taking on new clients and doing website makeovers.
We focused on building out Wellness by Choice to help solve a problem: people being a scammed by imposter wellness products and wellness practitioners.
Wellness by Choice was launched to help introduce trustworthy wellness people, products and services to those seeking help curated by me, Angelina vs. purchasing a database of contacts.
Wellness by Choice is a network of over 20,000 websites in over 20,000 cities across the U.S.
Our public launch was to be in 2020, and then COVID happened.
Remember how I shared we stopped doing websites makeovers?
That's true UNTIL NOW . . . summer 2024.
Two years ago, Alphabet & Microsoft mandated that web sites reduce their resource footprint.
I incorrectly presumed that there were plenty of web companies to help small business owners transition and avoid losing indexing, page ranking and having to purchase ads.
Wrong, not enough web design companies are helping small businesses to compete with the recent changes, which includes how to be properly set-up to be scraped with a higher rate of accuracy by the search engine AIs.
This summer of 2024, Daniel and I put back on our programming inventor's hat resulting in NEW Transformer BATs (browser administrable tools) to help small businesses and medical practice through, and once again with the:
> least amount of cost
> fastest turnaround
> functionality and flexibility
Think of a house full of your best furniture (content) yet the plumbing and electrical wiring is out of date, and maybe you also want to add a new room, or remodel one. We can help!
Our process?
Initial consult: in a confidential zoom just do a brain dump and pretend I'm Santa Claus in the web tech space.
Share what you like and don't like about what you have. What is or is not working for you.
What you want to achieve over the next 6-12 months, 12-18 months, and 18 months to 3 years. Dream big and have fun!
Afterwards, I will marinate on what you shared, and Daniel and I will go over what it will take to achieve that first 6-12 month goal, and ask ourselves how much we're going to invest along side you to ensure it happens.
You see, most web design companies are a fee based service. Not us - Daniel and I don't limit ourselves by what a client can't see or spend.
We invest alongside them after we ask ourselves how much is this project worth helping to evolve, especially where there is a problem to solve.
From business consulting, website development, search engine marketing to the AI markdowns so client's websites can be more accurately scrapped by the search engine AI's -
Daniel and I lead by example through our own projects to demonstrate what works from Wellness by Choice, Business Women News, Scotomaville, America Healthy Again, etc...
To restate, Daniel and I will build new and relocate your current project online, and with our skin in the game to fill in the gaps of what you need to achieve.
Move your furniture (web content) into an upgraded home (one of our BATs) to improve your presentation, load time, indexing/page ranking and to attract check writers you wish to serve.
Next Steps: email me at [email protected] - and just do a brain dump in that email of what's going on, going right and going wrong - and then let's schedule a zoom here.