From Fine Details to Big Results: The Art of Granularity in Marketing Mix Modeling

From Fine Details to Big Results: The Art of Granularity in Marketing Mix Modeling

It's that time of the week for Marketing Analytics ??

?? From MASS Analytics

?? The Granularity Trinity in MMM

Granularity and actionability are the holy grail of all marketers in relation to marketing measurement. This wasn’t truly accessible around 20 years ago, mainly because data wasn’t nearly as available as it is today, the methodologies used not nearly as advanced, and the computation power not nearly as fast. Today, the availability of these elements has paved the way for highly granular MMMs to be a reality. Read more ????

??News & Resources We've Come By...

?? Why The Ad Market Is Holding Up Better Than You Thought

At The Future of Media conference last month, industry analyst Ian Whittaker explained that the current recessionary state of the economy should not necessarily scare the advertising industry, because businesses are by-and-large managing to do well. Read more ????

?? Introducing Attribution Analytics: TikTok's First-Party Measurement Solution

Attribution Analytics is a first-party measurement solution that enables advertisers to understand the customer journey on TikTok—awareness, discovery and action — by providing a clearer view of the non-linear customers' path to purchase. Read more ????

?? Higher ROMI is a Culturally Salient Campaign Away

Culturally salient campaigns, which earned coverage in consumer-facing media and generated conversations over extended periods of time, generated an average ROMI of 399%. That figure stood at 282% for initiatives that did not achieve this level of cultural impact. Read more ????

Chart of The Week ??

Number of Data Sources Used for Omnichannel Measurement

?? Got a burning question? Our resident MMM expert is here to help!

Dr. Ramla Jarrar is the President and Co-founder of MASS Analytics. She has 20 years of experience running MMM projects, so if you have any questions, whether about econometrics or the business of MMM, ????Click here????


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