From Fairways to Pathways: The art of letting go - How to create a symphony of positivity in life and golf?????

From Fairways to Pathways: The art of letting go - How to create a symphony of positivity in life and golf?????

In this edition of From Fairways to Pathways, we are looking at the art of letting go. Cultivating the ability to release attachment to outcomes, relinquish control and embrace the present moment. All of this can lead to a symphony of positivity that reverberates throughout every aspect of our lives. On the golf course you can choose to only be concerned with the challenge in front of you, not the one that’s gone or the one that might be coming and you can choose to let go of any pain that comes with an error or failed shot. It’s a choice. It might take some effort on your part, but it is ultimately your choice whether you become affected by something that is out of your control, or whether you let it go.

So let’s explore how mastering the art of letting go can transform our approach to life and (of course) golf, a journey where we experience greater joy, freedom and fulfilment.

Embracing process not outcome

We have all fallen victim of a focus on an outcome. The destination rather than the journey.?

In golf, fixating solely on the outcome—such as the final score or winning a competition—can lead to anxiety, pressure and a loss of focus. Whereas prioritising the process involves dedicating ourselves to each shot, embracing the present moment and trusting in our skills and preparation.?

Our only focus should be on our process, our pre-game prep, our pre-shot routine, the next shot in front of us. Many golfers become obsessed over their score - which is fine after a game or before a game, study your scores, analyse your stats, figure out a plan to improve that’s great. But don’t do it in the game. Instead choose to let go of counting your score, choose to let go of thinking what could be in the future, or what could have been by dwelling on past missed opportunities. Focus only on your process - the wind on your face or the sounds of birds in the trees. Stay in the here and now, stick to your process and the right outcome will follow.

Similarly, in life, fixating on outcomes such as wealth, status, or recognition can lead to dissatisfaction and stress, as these factors often depend on external validation or circumstances beyond our control. By shifting our focus to the process—such as personal growth, meaningful relationships and alignment with our values—we can cultivate greater fulfilment, resilience and inner peace. Embracing the journey rather than fixating on the destination allows us to savour each moment, learn from our experiences and adapt to the inevitable ups and downs of life.

If we can try to detach ourselves, let go of the specific outcome, we can actually enjoy the journey. By concentrating on the process, we can enhance our performance, make better decisions, and ultimately achieve more consistent results over time.

Releasing control

One of the greatest challenges in both golf and life is the illusion of control—the belief that we can dictate outcomes through sheer willpower and effort. However, the truth is that there are many factors beyond our control, from weather conditions on the golf course to global events in the world around us. At the heart of the art of letting go lies the understanding that all things, whether successes or failures, joys or sorrows, are transient and fleeting.?

In golf, this means releasing attachment to the outcome of each shot and instead focusing on the process—the swing, the rhythm, the connection with the ball. Similarly, in life, embracing the unknown allows us to appreciate each moment for what it is, recognizing that change is inevitable and that holding onto attachments only leads to suffering.

By relinquishing the need to control every outcome and instead surrendering to the flow of life, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities that we may have never imagined.

Cultivating presence

It’s actually quite difficult for some people to let go, especially if you’re not in the present moment. If you’re thinking about a past regret, or you’re worrying about the future, it’s so difficult to drop these thoughts and grow.

So much about a positive mindset rests on getting and staying present - embracing the power of now as Eckhart Tolle would suggest.

Central to the art of letting go is the practice of cultivating presence—the ability to be fully engaged in the present moment, free from distractions and preconceived notions. In golf, the present moment, the right here, right now, doesn’t deal with dwelling on a past bad shot, or the worry of a future hole with water all down the right. Those things are irrelevant in the here and now. The only thing to think about is the routine for the next shot. So in that sense, staying present and thinking only about making the next shot the best shot, enables us to let go completely of any past regret, mistake or any future anxiety or concern.?

We need to try and quiet the mind and tune into the senses—the sound of the birds chirping, the feel of the grass beneath our feet, the sight of the ball soaring through the air.?

Likewise, in life, cultivating presence allows us to savour the richness of each moment, fostering deeper connections with ourselves and others. And as a coach, the only way that I can let go of ownership of a client’s challenge, the only way that I can truly listen without thinking about what might be coming up next, is to stay completely present and in the moment. Letting go of my own judgement, letting go of my own agenda because in this environment those things don’t matter.

So job number one is to get in the present - and if you’d like to know how to do this you might want to listen back to Episode 4 of my Podcast - The Positive Golf Mindset which is all about Staying in the moment.

Growth mindset

Sometimes bad things do happen and I’m not suggesting we should all be putting our heads in the sand. We all face daily challenges, whatever they may be, to master the idea of letting go does require an element of resilience in the face of a challenge.?

Let me ask you, how do you view challenges in your life? Do you see them as insurmountable obstacles? That stuff always seems to happen to you, that life is somehow out to get you or keep you down?

Or do you view challenges a little more positively? If you can let go of any negative feeling towards challenges, you’ll be able to automatically replace it with a more positive feeling - one that sees these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

On the golf course, if you’ve hit a bad approach shot, a person with a growth mindset will see this challenge as an opportunity to now hit a fantastic up-and-down - you’ve let go of the negative connotations with the bad shot and bounced back quickly. This mindset helps you maintain your composure and actually guides you to focus on the next shot, the next opportunity to score.

Harnessing a growth mindset, one that sees the challenges you face as opportunities to learn and improve, will enable you to more easily let go of the things you can’t control.

Finding freedom

As we learn to let go of attachments and surrender to the flow of life, we discover a newfound sense of freedom—a freedom that transcends the limitations of the ego and opens us up to infinite possibilities. In golf, this freedom manifests as a relaxed and fluid swing, unencumbered by fear or doubt. A freeing of your mind and body - something that the winner of this year’s Masters (2024), Scottie Scheffler, spoke of as an important factor in his success.?

In life, it might manifest as a sense of ease and contentment, knowing that we are not defined by external circumstances but by the depth of our inner being.

Creating a symphony of positivity and releasing negative thoughts

In Golf, there’s clear evidence that negative thoughts can derail your game completely. Coaches and professionals alike all talk about. It comes from ego - worry - fear of failure and all these things lie either in the past or the future. So getting in the present and then letting go of your negative thoughts is a choice you can make. I would go so far as to encourage players to mentally imagine the thought leaving their mind and their body. Then replacing the thought with a positive one. Tell yourself you’re a great player. Tell yourself that you’re excited to be walking on the green to attack this birdie chance. This positivity infuses our game with joy and playfulness, transforming each round into a celebration of life itself.?

And in life, it allows us to navigate the ups and downs with grace and gratitude, knowing that each moment is an opportunity for growth and discovery. You might be allowing negative thoughts to affect your work life, which will have a detrimental affect on your concentration and productivity. So letting go of these negative thoughts and attitudes, will actually help to clear your mind and create a space for more constructive ways of problem solving and thinking.

We need to stop stoking the negativity fire by letting go of self-doubt, frustration and disappointment and redirect our thoughts towards positive aspects.??

When we master the art of letting go, we create a symphony of positivity that resonates throughout every aspect of our lives. We become more resilient in the face of adversity, more open to new experiences and more attuned to the beauty and wonder of the world around us.?

Joyful acceptance?

To truly let go and move on, we can really benefit from developing an attitude of joyful acceptance. This is related to accepting an outcome, but doing so with a positive attitude. If you can be a bit playful with it, dare I say smile a bit(!) you’ll be able to let it go much more easily.?

It’s actually about an acceptance of yourself and your situation - again an acceptance and a relinquishing of this ‘false’ control with a bit of grace.

And on the golf course if you can cultivate a repeatable process and an attitude of acceptance of any outcome - whether good or bad, accepting that the game is full of challenges that’s all part of the journey then your performance and your happiness will greatly improve.?

The art of letting go is all about releasing negativity, staying present and sticking to your process no matter what. It’s about accepting outcomes, relinquishing fake control and harnessing a growth mindset, believing that every challenge is an opportunity to learn.

The art of letting go is a profound and transformative practice that has the power to enrich our lives in countless ways. By releasing attachment to outcomes, relinquishing control, cultivating presence and finding freedom, we create a symphony of positivity that uplifts our spirits and nourishes our souls. As we journey forwards, may we embrace the art of letting go with open hearts and minds, allowing its wisdom to guide us toward greater joy, fulfilment, and peace.

If you’d like to learn more about the shared lessons of golf and life, take a listen to the Positive Golf Mindset Podcast????

You can download a FREE copy of my Goal Setting Workbook??

Contact me to book your FREE mini session here?? Let’s spend some time understanding and breaking down your own barriers, the things that are getting in the way of achieving your goals. I’ll hold you accountable for your own development and support you on your journey.


Matt Stilwell (BA hons)的更多文章