Our World | From Elton John to London 2012
Emma Taylor with Liam Gallagher

Our World | From Elton John to London 2012

25 years in the events industry means Emma Taylor’s got a few stories to tell. Like the time she got to chaperone a glam rock god. So, we spent some time with Emma, RS Group Events Manager to ask the questions we all want to know. ?

Discover her world in five minutes…

How did you get in to a career in events?

Emma:I found events really aligned to my natural personality, as I have strong organisational skills, I like to multi-task, I have a good memory (although it seems to be diminishing as the years are passing me by) and an all-round people person.” ?

How would you summarise your role?

Emma: "There is so much work that goes into each event. It all starts with a lot of research, site visits, endless meetings, and extensive project documents. In addition, be prepared for the unexpected, which can range from anything from weather, power cuts and even ash clouds!"

What has been your career highlight so far?

Emma: "Working at the London 2012 Olympics was a career high for me. I took the risk, and handed in my notice as I really couldn’t resist the opportunity! The risk paid off as it was fantastic to be part of such an awesome event."

Following the flame at the London 2012 Olympics

What do you enjoy most about your role at RS?

Emma: "Without a doubt, the best thing about working for RS is the variety, and the people. I love the fast pace and oddly, I thrive on the stress and deadlines I must meet. I’ve also really enjoyed being empowered to flex my creative side and to take RS events to the next level."

Have you experienced any pinch-me moments during your career? ?

Emma: "I acted as Sir Elton John’s chaperone at Freddie Flintoff’s testimonial event. He was certainly a character and a pinch-myself moment that I won’t forget!"???

What is important to you in finding a great place to work?

Emma: "Getting my work life balance is really important to me, as my 15-year-old daughter Lily keeps me on my toes! We love to travel and explore new destinations. Life for me is about being very organised so I can focus on work when at work, and I can fully enjoy life in my own time."?

Emma and daughter Lily

What would be your top tip to somebody interested in the events industry?

Emma: "Try and get as much hands-on experience as you can: that’s how you’ll get to understand the industry better.?Also, don’t think of it as party planning, it’s long days and a lot of hard work."



