HGinSIGHT November

HGinSIGHT November

From editor

Like most organisations, November through December is always a period of intense activity at HG and primarily for two reasons. ?

The first reason is it’s the final round of Executive Learning Set meetings, our flagship leadership program that has been delivering significant value and return on investment for our members for 30+ years now. ?

What, you might ask, is the single biggest challenge being workshopped by our members right now? It’s the conundrum they face of needing to attract retain and develop their workforce; while at the same time finding government directed savings; without compromising service provision. That is the very definition of a wicked problem and as you can imagine finding pathways through it requires deep analysis, robust debate and fresh thinking. ?

As a facilitator of our Chief Executive Sets I have the privilege of seeing firsthand the breakthroughs that come when a group of peers from different organisations, not in competition with each other, set their mind to the task of resolving complex challenges in a confidential, safe environment. ?

As the Set program continues to grow and evolve so too does our facilitation and coaching team and it is with great pleasure we welcome Shelly Park and Dr Kevin Snee to our team who are both featured in this month’s newsletter. ?

Also featured is one of our Set members Arindam Chaudhuri, Executive Director Digital Health Northern Adelaide Local Health Network who shares his insights into Digital transformation and tech. ?

Now, to the second reason. ?

With December bearing down our Search clients often like us to go to the market on their behalf enabling them to either shortlist this side of Christmas, or in early January, ensuring they can interview and appoint by the end of January. It’s a well oiled approach and it works, so do reach out if we can support you with a successful, early new year appointment. ?

As always we feature a number of these terrific roles in this month’s newsletter and will bringing others to the market shortly so keep an eye on the job opportunities section of our website. ?

Until next time, mā te wā

Paul Ingle

Chief Executive

HG New Zealand & HG Australia

Featured Jobs

Health Service Chief Executive

HG?is delighted to be partnering with?Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service?to?recruit their?Health Service Chief Executive?who?is appointed by, and reports to, the Central Queensland Hospital and Health Board and is the single point of leadership and accountability for ensuring patient safety through the effective executive leadership and management of all hospitals and health services, as well as associated support functions within CQHHS.

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Executive Director – Digital Health

HG?is delighted to be partnering with?Monash Health?to?recruit their?Executive Director – Digital Health?to support the development and implementation of a clear Digital Health Strategy for Monash Health, that outlines the innovative use of Information Technologies and strategic management of information and data.The role will deliver a digital focused culture, infrastructure and capability across the function and its key tech and digital partner divisions.?

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Director, Strategic Change

HG?is delighted to be partnering with?Silverchain?to recruit their?Director,?Strategic Change who?will be responsible for delivering many significant change programs across the organisation including an ambitious digital strategy and preparing for aged care reform. It is a critical role within Silverchain, responsible for driving and overseeing strategic initiatives that lead to transformative change.?

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Executive Director, Operations and Performance, North

HG?is delighted to be partnering with Hospitals North – Launceston General Hopsital?to recruit their?Executive Director of Operations and Performance this position is a senior leadership position within the Launceston General Hospital (LGH), reporting directly to the Chief Executive Hospitals North. The primary purpose of the role is to provide strategic and operational management of the LGH.

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Recent Key Appointments



