From Early Tech Prodigy to IT Support Specialist: A Journey Through Networking, Troubleshooting, and Documentation
Gone are the days when?the biggest problem with the earliest version of the Internet in the late 1960s?was that Networks couldn't talk to each other. I wasn’t that generation. But Nowadays, many, many more potential IPv6 addresses than IPv4 addresses.
I was Creating a Folder with Windows?and Installing, Updating, and Removing Software in Windows when I was 2 years old
and ?I was Creating a Folder with Linux?by mkdir command and Installing, Updating and Removing Software in Linux
sudo apt-get install firefox-esr
sudo apt-get install -f
dpkg -s vlc
?sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get remove gimp
?when I was 3 years old.
Then I jumped into Networking in my class.
Where I?created?a network with two computers.
?I was having trouble connecting to the Internet, so I?called?my teacher and she called?the Service Provider for help.
?They needed?to know the permanent unique identifier address of the device so they could?help troubleshoot it.
?Question time!
What address are they asking for?
MAC address
Then I wanted to send data packets?and a router utilizes network protocols to help me.?
?When I opened URL?called ?
?I knew that ICANN?group manages the registration of domain names
I played NAT tool to?use many private addresses within one public IP address.
?My first Troubleshooting
?My?first step when troubleshooting?is?to identify the problem.
?Then, I understood?the scope of the potential issue.
?My main goal is always be Identify the root cause.
?Consider the following case study:
I found out that the root cause was that the user was using heavy applications at the same time.
Then I ask to close the application not in use.
Consider the following case study:
Now I?am an IT support specialist for a computer repair shop. A customer brings their computer and explains their problem. I?perform some basic troubleshooting steps that take about 30 minutes?then I explain to the customer what needs to be done, the time required to complete it, and give the option to leave the computer or wait at the shop.
I?document information based on the
Procedures and policies?and Ticketing or bug systems.
It is important for me; I ?document IT issues/problems?because
I can see what you did?and it can save my?time, my?company time, and my?users time.
?I have?a pitfall when troubleshooting?because issues are out of habit and without careful thought.
?Sometimes I have multiple solutions?to isolate a problem but I use?the fastest to implement first.