from Driver to Engineer

from Driver to Engineer

from Driver to Engineer

So What is Success ?

what should be vision of Life ?

what is Your Goals of Life ?

This is the What which every one as Individual has its own choice. There are so many around us in the world have so many Plans / Visions to do something in their Life, but when they start, some get half way return and change their path, Vision and Goals, some Failed cause of so their own excuses & some are factors / Reasons which may give a hit the vision, but again it is depend on the Individual how they face and come over and reach their Destination.

one of the example is come across with me in my Professional Career. Year 2013 a Driver who joined as Driver in a company for Metro Project. Working for almost 3 years in a company, his Vision is NOT to be a Driver forever. Yes, there is a Support from Dept. of Safety under which he is engaged Driver, but its Individual Choice how he take the advise and took decision for their personal life.

But the Guidance and His own Individual Wish and his Hard-Work take him for a better future.

So the Journey from Driver to Engineer (Civil) is NOT easy for him, but he did it. He Left his JOB, Take Regular Admission in Civil Engineering Diploma Course, spend his 2 Years, Pay Fee around about more than 1.0 lac and other Expenses of his survival.

Take a break in his regular Job and Work on his Vision. When i asked what is the Reason, he said, cause of Money Problem he didn't do this in early stage, but he always want to pursue with Education, this would be might knew that time, we would help him out that time only, but sometimes as it says ... Jab Joh Hona Hota Hai, Tab Hi Hota Hai. - its his Destiny and he walk that.

So my Major Point is; that ONLY one Person PUSH YOU to do the Things... is that ONLY YOU. If you, your-self don't get Motivated from Inside, If You; Your-Self NOT Inject that Energy to Walk/Run, NO ONE CAN DO, others can guide you, Teach You, Mentor You, but all those... ONLY YOU CAN ACCEPT and TAKE VISION of That.

So Start getting Motivated yourself even apart from all ODD Circumstances in LIFE. Problems are there and they Remain with You/US forever, they Never go from till we take our Last Breath, but Before we Left the World, we should Make our Name so that you become Idol for someone and Inspiration. Let Problem give a Chance to Think, that how this Person can do this, even apart from so many Problems i give to him... Smile & Go Head, its ONE LIFE... you have to LIVE with your WAY to Visioned it.

Story of Mahraj Singh... who Inspire.

Hello Singh Sahab

Ashwani kumar .

Road, Highway, tunnel,High rise building

4 年

#dedication #hardwork


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