From the Diary of my MENTOR
My own prayers and a possible road map to share with others; it may help to meander along like water on one's journey of life. ... many eons shall surely stand testimony to your sincerity, generosity and living a purposeful life (when most surely the ever enveloping dust shall have reclaimed its own!):
I am more for...
Peace and serenity;
Share and care;,
Give than take;
"'Forgive' and let live" instead of live and let live;
Respect, support, admiration, appreciation and celebration of diversity in peoples, cultures and religions;
Towards excellence, nothing less;
To forgive others often, yourself, never;
To just seed and move on;
Only share and not impose;
Education into knowledge and then into wisdom
To let go than to possess;
To lift than to lean,
To create than to criticize
To imbibe folk wisdom;
Knowledge than mere information;
Hard work than talent;
Humility than pride;
Cooperation than competition
Spiritual growth than materialism;
Equilibrium than imbalance in life;
Now than tomorrow
Journey than destination
Gratitude than grumbling
A fountain than a cistern;
Diamond with a flaw than a pebble without;
Diamond than a firecracker;
'Well done' than well said;
to BE indispensable than 'act' indispensable; and
To laugh than lament.
One is greedy before God; and why not? I do believe in miracles....
I have learnt a lot from you Sir Javed Sadiq
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Thank you so much for reading the complete article. I am Subhan Sharif Corporate Trainer & Motivational Speaker .Organizations engage me to train their employees and Universities invite me to speak to young corporate graduates.You wish to ask anything please feel free to comment here. YOU can connect with on LinkedIn or at [email protected] JUST email me.