Hello Readers,
Welcome to the 2nd edition of my monthly Newsletter, which goes out to all the readers every 1st day of the Nepali Month, where I'll share new idea or some interesting reads I found worth passing on. Please share your feedback after going through the content.
+ Something that I'm finding interesting: The idea of HR manual isn't new for many of you but what about having User manual about your leadership style? The guide that you can offer to anyone who is going to work with you. This will help them to know how you work, how you make decision, what are your values, how you communicate, what sort of reporting you want.
I got so intrigued by this idea that I immediately took it to my heart and started making the draft. I sat and asked myself the following questions:
1. Which activities give me energy, and which depletes me?
2. What are my priorities at work and how do I tell my team?
3. What are my values and what is something that gets on my nerve?
I have already started writing on this and I'm on my way to share with my team members. I encourage all of you to write your own user guide so that you and your team can learn how to work best with you. I wish every boss had this kind of manual.
Books to Read
The subtle art of not giving a fuck— Mark Manson
Please don't get thrown off with the title. This book has nothing to do with that. In fact, it's just opposite of all the self- help books that you might have read so far. After reading this, you might love to reexamine your personal values. I did it! Marks witty dialogue and brutally honest truth-telling will drive you to the journey where he shares how he discovered his personal values. After reading this book I came to know that the key to living a good life is giving a fuck about less, giving a fuck about only what's true and immediate and important. Start saying "Fuck it" to everything unimportant in life.
Top Three Article for the month reading:
1. Speed as a habit. 15 Minute Read
This is one article that I keep on visiting time and again. It has got so much of influence on me that whenever someone says, "We'll do it tomorrow?" my reply is, "Why can't it be done today?" Since I too feel that all else being equal, the fastest company in any market will win. If you are running a company or a team, this is a must read.
2. Influence Vs Ownership: Career Framework at Buffer. 15 Minute Read
Maybe around six month ahead, while we were growing massively I was having a problem on deciding about career framework at our organization. What does career framework look like if someone stays at Deba Jyoti Group? This article came at a perfect time for us. I'm not a big fan of only vertical growth. There can be horizontal growth to people but for that you need to have some deciding factors: Influence and Ownership. (Not Skills) It's a bit deep but worth a read.
3. The complete guide to not giving a fuck- Julien Smith 5 Minute Read
I read it long time back and revisited it this month while I was reading Mark's book. This blog post is so well written and argues on a point that is so rarely argued effectively. Constantly worrying about what other people think is prison and you should regain your self-respect by putting less emphasis on every single person in the world's opinion. It's so true and really freeing when you literally don't give a fuck. Just kill your inner critics. The only person standing in your way is you. Yeah you!
Powerful Quote to Ponder Upon— "Getting the right people and the right chemistry is more important than getting the right idea."- Ed Catmull
That's all.
I hope you come across something interesting or new. I'm always on the lookout, too. So if there are things you think I should read and include in my monthly reading list, please share it in advance. I will archive and try to include the best and relevant article in my future newsletter.
If you have any feedback regarding the flow or content, please write to me at [email protected] .
Thanks for reading. Have a great month!
Sudan Gautam