From the desk of CMK:
Connie Kreiser
Small Business Strategist - Shifting Perspectives - Making Successful Decisions Based in Reality - The Better Business Blogger - (L.I.O.N) (SPN)
Cutting through the bullshit. In my upcoming book, I will share with you the reality of doing business in today's culture. Networking, business building, local resources and online marketing are just a few of the areas that you will encounter as you grow your business. Any one of these can be discouraging if you experience negativity. Everyone will want to critique what you are doing. Give you advise off their own experience. It will be easy to fall victim to the conditioning of a robotic sales system that they insist is the only way to win, only I disagree.
Why do I disagree? Because I work with Entrepreneurs and Small business owners. An overwhelming majority of them are disenchanted with what is out there in training and support. Networking loses its steam. "I need clients" they say. "I need profit" they exclaim.
I spent the last two years building my business. I have networked like everyone else. I have also witnessed professionals come along, get referred out (networked) and then 6 months later they are doing something else or they are no longer in business. I don't know about you but I'd like a little more stability. Now of course you cannot predict who will stay in business and who will not. It's a rough road out there. But I don't like to give referrals unless I know this person is legit in seeing their business to the end! That takes relationship and trust. Support and proper planning. The question is, do those things exist today? Do they come as a package that will increase your odds of success?
I want you to succeed. My personal business focus is creating a strong small business platform that keeps corporations in check. For that to happen, small businesses must succeed. So how does that happen? Success? Enough clients? In the Green? I've got a few ideas about what is being done by those that are struggling. Maybe you are experiencing these things right now and you're holding yourself back?
1. One wasted area of overhead is marketing. You will get approached by many marketing firms that will help you start selling tomorrow!! Only I meet with people time and time again that say…. "That was a waste of money".
2. Networking and wondering what you are getting out of it? I've been to an event where this woman walked in and just started fanning out her business cards. Later she texted me for my address. She wanted to mail me information about her real estate business. Yeah um NO!
3. Building a business that you have no clue how to build from a legal aspect? You can sell the product or service but what legalities do you have to have ironed out?
4. Finding yourself alone without anyone to really support your progress?
5. Feeling like you must pave a road that is already paved? Why isn’t it easier?
The truth is you are not alone, you don't have to repave the road and there are a few of us out here, wanting to help you with the success learning curve. All you must do is participate. If you can choose wisely with your marketing strategy, find real networking groups that help you grow, connect with resources to keep you legal and legit, create professional friendships that help you grow strong and use roads that were already paved before you…. You can increase your odds of success!
-------------------Much Success and love -----------------