From the desk of CMK:
Connie Kreiser
Small Business Strategist - Shifting Perspectives - Making Successful Decisions Based in Reality - The Better Business Blogger - (L.I.O.N) (SPN)
Hello friends.
Business ownership today is a sacrifice of comfort. We consistently give up comfort to push ourselves to the next level. We choose to feel pain and discomfort, for what? The Dream? What is your dream? Financial freedom? What does that mean and can an entrepreneur really achieve financial freedom? Most small business owners don’t want to work for the man. They give up a 40-hour work week to commit to 70 hours. They give up sick pay, vacation pay, and even actual paychecks all together. But why? If it’s not easier, you make less money, you get to take no paid vacations or if you’re sick, you probably are not making any money …. So why do we do it?
The idea is that although you don’t get paid sick time or vacation time, you have more flexibility with your time. You don’t have a boss telling you that can’t make it up another day, or work in the evening. You can choose if you want to slide some things around to take some down time. You might not get paid directly for the time loss but you will get paid in the end?
What about the dock in pay? Chances are, if you are starting a business, you’re not making any money the first couple years. So, why do it? Your belief system is that after the growing pains you will make twice as much if not more than if you stayed working for someone else.
So, you keep at it, because you know if you go back to working for someone else you are giving a little piece of who you are up. You are also pushing your dream further out. That’s like wasting time. To an Entrepreneur, you do not have time to waste. Time is of the essence. It’s now or never. Do or Die. So, what does all this mean?
Every day you get up and choose to be an Entrepreneur, you have an opportunity to choose the right way and the wrong way to finish. Successful people will study what the right way is. Unsuccessful people will keep plugging along thinking they will eventually stumble on success. If you are not continually focused on learning the best way for you to stand out in a sea of competition, you will sink into the abyss of anonymity. So how do you stand out?
First you must know exactly what your Brand is and who you are, to your clients. Once you know that you, will study what others in your field or industry are doing to get exposure. Now you may think I’m going to suggest that you copy….NO! But what you do is you learn why it is working for them and you pick up pointers on how you can apply the correct aspects to your approach, authentic to you, so YOU stand out over the actual product or service you are promoting.
The key to success today is easy. YOU are the key. Anyone who is successful is marketing themselves. Not a company, not a product but themselves. Your client wants a relationship with you so they trust your Brand. How are you sharing who you are in a way that attracts your future clients? Is it working?
Nothing about this journey will be easy. But the result is ALWAYS something truly amazing. Don’t give up. Surround yourself with education. And learn to cut through the bullshit and just be who you want to be!
-------------------Much Success and love. -----------------