From Darkness to Light...

From Darkness to Light...

It’s so difficult to live alone, partially because we miss the company of someone, but mainly because we are unable to live with ourselves. Let’s face it, we cannot live with our own self…

It sounds unbelievable, but it’s true. It’s so hard to live with all that we are, our thoughts, memories, the continuous play of emotions, our regrets, our shame, mistakes and blunders, loot and plunders, our foolishness, irrationality, the images of people and places which keep on popping out of nowhere, all there on the screen of our mind, playing and replaying. It’s not easy to live with it all, at all. We want to get rid of it, once we become aware what sort of havoc it is playing within us. Actually we humans are a multidimensional entity, we have a body, a soul, a mind. Each one of it has its own system and working, push and pull. Our brain is the hardware and mind is the software which is installed as a conditioned reflex. Most of the times, we do not know, why we act the way, we act, unless we become aware of ourselves and all that is going on with the elements that make us.

Hence, I feel that no one from outside can damage us to an extent, the way we can damage ourselves, by blindly believing to be true, whatever goes inside our mind. We will have to take charge of ourselves and become decision makers, using our mind and not letting it use us, as it can become our worst enemy, a mode of self destruction if given total control.

I encourage my fellow humans, never to enter the loop of thought created by our minds, which mostly revolves around ‘what if’ scenarios, resulting in self blaming and victimization. Easy way out is practicing self observation and becoming aware of our thoughts, just like an observer which watches the incoming and outgoing traffic and monitors it, deviates it to his/her own benefit. That’s how it is supposed to be, and that’s the way out.

It is an old saying that an empty mind is a devil’s workshop. But with time and experience, we come to know that there is no devil greater than our own mind. We play devil for ourselves and the problems that we either invent for ourselves or are already there, work as distractions, so that we can avoid facing our own selves for as long as possible. But till how long can we avoid having contact with ourselves? Hence retirement is the worst nightmare for many.

Right from the very beginning of our lives, we must practice self awareness, we must not allow the abyss of our mind engulf us into worthless darkness. The greatest conquest, is the conquest of self and the biggest freedom, is the freedom from self. I have acknowledged it from my personal experience that it’s very important to safe guard the ship of self that we are travelling in. Repair the holes that allow water, lest we would drown. Keep the garden of self, manicured, do not allow weeds of thoughts root in. It’s an everyday exercise, an on going practice, start from today, until it becomes a habit and a safeguard, a plan B, through the ups and downs, and the storms of l



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