From Creation to Destruction: How These 3 Principles Can Shape Your Startup’s Future

From Creation to Destruction: How These 3 Principles Can Shape Your Startup’s Future

Starting a startup is an exciting journey, but it can quickly go haywire if you aren’t adequately prepared for it.

Picture this - you’ve brainstormed an idea for a startup. You’ve drawn up a business model, come across like-minded individuals to join you on your entrepreneurial journey and are all set and ready to go - when all of your plans suddenly grind to a halt.

Not by any fault of yours, mind you. Your plan is still solid and has the potential to make some serious bank. But your business still finds itself stuck in its tracks. Why??

Put simply, when troubles like this arise, the issue usually lies not in the business’s vision, but in its execution. Ambitious young startups often encounter such roadblocks early on.

Brilliant ideas in the business world can easily be derailed by inadequate insight and improper execution. Getting a company up and running is hard. Marketing, branding, sales, operations…juggling all of that single handedly is definitely not for the faint of heart. And cramped budgets don’t make it any easier.

In moments like these, businesses could really use some expertise. They need industry pros who can work their magic and turn their fortunes around with market-specific know-how.

Specialists with a proven track record of helping small businesses find their footing in a competitive marketplace are required. And for those that do find the right fit, the results speak for themselves.

At CoConnexion, we’ve identified three primary areas of expertise that we feel are essential for every new business out there. These three pillars of entrepreneurial success are what we strive to help companies achieve through our state of the art services, and they’re an integral part of our success too. Let’s take a look at them shall we?


In a world where businesses are constantly battling it out for market supremacy, young startups need to embrace innovation and adaptability to survive. It's like being in a high-stakes game of chess where a single wrong move could mean checkmate.That’s why creating and expanding knowledge is absolutely key for businesses that seek to thrive.?

Ventures need to constantly reevaluate their strategies to stay in the race. This means actively seeking out new knowledge and insights to help your business grow.?

If you don’t keep pace with industry trends and aren’t constantly in touch with what your customers want, you’re risking irrelevance. And in the fast moving world of business, irrelevance can be a death sentence.?

Attend industry events and conferences, engage with online communities, conduct market research…it’s essential that you always have your finger on the pulse of your industry so you can stay up to date on what matters for your business.?

To see just how much of a game changer industry insights can be for a business, look no further than Zoom and how the video conferencing company used insights they gathered to enhance customer satisfaction. Working on what they learnt from extensive research on video conferencing technology and customer needs, Zoom developed a product that was easy to use, reliable, and offered a high-quality video and audio experience. And customers naturally gravitated towards it.

Keeping this in mind, it’s also important to remember that creating and expanding knowledge is more than just investing in R&D or training programs - it's about fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

Business leaders must encourage experimentation and risk-taking to develop new ideas and stay ahead of their competition. With continuous learning and innovation, your business can thrive too and achieve long-term success.


Living paycheck to paycheck is hard enough on your own. Want to really play life on hard difficulty, though? Try doing that with a whole company.

Startups in particular are especially susceptible to issues with their finances, but preserving and restoring wealth is understandably something that concerns all businesses. Especially when faced with lean years or economic downturns.

A prime example of this is Starbucks, and how with the onset of the 2008 financial crisis, the coffee giant was forced to adopt multiple radical measures to survive. This included closing underperforming stores, reducing its expansion plans, and introducing new products and store formats. But we all know how that story ended, and today the company is stronger than ever, with a market cap of over $130 billion. All because they were adept at preserving and restoring their wealth.

With the tight margins you’ll likely find your startup operating with early on, you’ll need to be wise with how you use your assets to minimize risks of financial loss.

Keeping a close watch on your finances is key. Identify potential risks early on and develop strategies to maximize your profits in their wake. Do this and you should be able to weather any financial storms that may head your way.

Restoring wealth is equally important when faced with unexpected expenses or setbacks. Businesses need to be on a constant lookout for new potential revenue streams and optimize their operations to ensure their long-term stability.

Remember, true success is all about longevity, and a good business plan is something that always takes that into account.


Take an example of any truly visionary business in history and odds are that a big part of their vision was disruption and discovering new ways to make money in existing industries. But when your strategy incorporates disruptive new innovations, the destruction of older paradigms of doing business is inevitable.

And that’s okay. In fact, it’s great.?

Consider Amazon with its disruption of retail by giving brick and mortar stores a run for their money with E-commerce. Or Airbnb and how it turned the hospitality industry upside down with a novel new business model. Look hard enough and you’ll find that most household names in the business world earned their position amongst the heavyweights by refusing to shy away from adopting radical new strategies that disrupted existing norms.

Let’s be honest, though. Your startup is not going to be the next Amazon. Odds are you’re not going to revolutionize your industry with your newly adopted business model.

But destruction isn’t restricted solely to industry-wide disruption. It might just mean reevaluating your own business goals and doing away with old strategies.

For a venture, breaking down old processes and workflows can be a powerful tool for seeking out new opportunities for growth. Which is why it’s advisable for businesses to experiment with rethinking outdated processes. What worked yesterday need not necessarily work today, and by exploring new avenues and discarding older models, your business can open up entirely new possibilities for itself.

Pivoting your business model might be just what you need to put your startup in pole position for achieving the success it deserves.

And that’s all folks!

Well, not quite. Things are always more complicated than what Medium blog posts telling you what you need to succeed would have you believe.

Business is certainly no exception. But what’s most important is that you back yourself. Irrespective of what your business is, or which industry or niche you specialize in, trust your vision.

Things don’t always go according to plan. To be quite frank, they never do. There are tons of variables at play that influence the outcomes of every little decision you make. Most of which you have no control over. What you can control is how you address your business’s challenges, and how you work within your means to achieve its goals. Focus on that and you’re in an excellent position to destroy your barriers, preserve your integrity and create a bright new future for yourself and your business.?

So get going, we’re rooting for you!

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