From Consuming to Creating
Theresa Destrebecq
Facilitator, coach, and learning experience designer bringing your professional book learning to life in community with other readers/learners.
Awhile ago, I sent out a survey to a whole group of different readers and consumers of personal development material, asking them lots of questions about their reading and implementation. One of the questions I asked was, "What prevents you from implementing your reading?"
There was a range of answers, of course, but the one that struck me the most was, "I don't remember what I read."
Have you ever had an experience where someone mentions a book, and you know you have read it, but you can't remember exactly what it was about? Or perhaps it was a movie?
Did you know that when you write something down it creates a connection between the spatial reasoning part of your brain, and your linguistic processing area of your brain, and as a result you tend to remember more--especially the key points.
By taking notes on what we read, we are evaluating, processing, and ordering the information differently, which allows us to remember it more.
Yet, you don't just have to take notes WHILE you read, you can also do the same process after you read. When you put pen to paper during or after you read, you activate different parts of your brain, and move from consuming to creating.
And that is one of the reasons why I created the Emerge Book Circle, to create an online community of learners and a space to talk about the interact around our reading. Why bother reading all these personal and professional growth books if you don't remember what you read, or implement it?
If you truly want to remember what you read, it often means putting pen to paper, and DOING something different. As a result, you can make more dramatic shifts than someone who simply reads the book.
Forever learning,
I am an educator and coach, and the creator of the Emerge Book Circle, which is focused on supporting women to read, connect, and emerge. I also offer private and group coaching opportunities for women wanting to create a more resilient spirit and a self-full life. You can read more about me here.